Hood Fighters

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           Harold rode by my side and made small talk about our current mission.

           He was this thin tall strawberry blonde guy that liked to look over his shoulder a lot. Literally, it was something of a bad habit, like he was always paranoid. Harold could be very arrogant sometimes. And, although he was also Lady Fay's only son, I had never seen them interact much as such.

          He was serious most of the time except with the security team which both of us were a part of. He could be quite the stubborn and sarcastic one, but only with us. Maybe, it was that behaviour that separated him from his mother, when it came to feelings.

          At first, I thought they'd had some awful argument of some sort that made them fall apart by the years. Later, I found out that was just the way he was. There was nothing wrong with their relationship. Harold just seemed to be completely cordial at all times in front of her, and I bet he didn't know how to show her his feelings.

          "Are you paying attention to what I am saying?" He asked, and I raised my eyes from the road to his.

          "You said you think someone else is behind the gang that is messing with our business, right?" I synthesized his explaining to prove him I was listening.

          He smirked little and focused back on the path ahead of us.

          "Yes, that's what I just said. But don't get distracted because it's your last day." He cleared his throat and looked back at me. "I have a feeling what's happening today isn't just as simple as we think it is."

          "Well, then... I trust your gut." I said, making sure he knew I wasn't going to handle the issue nonchalantly.

           We kept making our way into the core of our city, and on our way, we could hear people shouting as they followed with their day to day business. Usually, the underground was quieter, but today was one of those days in which things just seem to happen, and everything was faster.

          We decided to hide our horses just before we headed to the center of the crowd where our wheat exportions were already visible. When we got there, we waited behind the people and watched as a small group of men made a commotion.

          The representative of the gang had beat our merchandise driver and now announced his hate towards the Morgans and their wheat productions. He talked about how the rich had everything, and the poor had nothing. The crowd started to agree with him, and I thought I might agree too if I was part of them, except I knew the truth.

          "We're taking what's ours and giving it back to the community!" He says, and Harold scoffed, making the man look back at him with a raised brow.

          "You're taking what is already property of the community to give it back after stealing it?" He asked, making sure that everyone was listening. I could see Harold was about to unmask these guys, so I grabbed my pistol, ready for any movement on his side.

          The man looked Harold in the eyes, then me and realising Harold had a point, he immediately tried to keep his posture and defend himself in front of the people who were slowly taking Harold's side.

          "Are you deaf? The cereals the Morgans use come from the surface and are paid with our taxes! We have the right to give more to everyone in need!"

          "I agree, but isn't that the reason we produce wheat in the first place?" Harold asked back.

          "What do you mean?" Someone shouted as the man became impatient and angry. The gang leader knew his plan would go down the drain if he didn't hurry up to take the wheat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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