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Hello, my dear readers, this is Nora.

I bet most of you have not heard from me in a while, and no... I'm not in jail XD

I've gone throught a lot of different experiences in the last two years of my life and much changed.

Today, I'm here to announce that the Freedom Series (Home, Outside, Freedom) will objectively be shrieked into this book.

Now, I'm not sure I can do that with the third part, because I'm sure it will be longer. Anyways, I'm going to try. This way it will be easier for my readers to get to know the series better.

Also, not sure when I'm going to be able to add more chapters because I'm not sure I align with the previous changes, so for now this is it.

I hope I made the best decision. This announcement is temporary, too.

Please give me your feedback in the comments as much as possible because I love this story but don't know if I should keep it going...

Love you all 🍒,


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