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Young Nipsey

The bell before Lunch rang and the kids scattered throughout the hallway. Me and YG went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Although the food from our school ain't nothing to brag about , we had to eat anyway..

We got our lunch and sat down at our spot. Stayed Queit though, was too pissed about the fact that the new girl gave me a fake number. She ain't had to do me like that though. Couldve just told me to back off and I would've listened.

"Yo Nip, you alright bro? You awfully Queit" I guess my quietness made him curious.

"Yeah, I'm alright dude. That new girl gave me a fake number, guess that tells you alot."

"Fuck her anyway, dawg. She ain't that hot. Look, why don't head back to my place after school and play some video games" Yg suggested

"That cruddy TV game of yours still works?" I chuckled.

"Call me Daequan the mechanic, nigga." he said with a bit of cockiness.

"Well thanks for the offer, but I gotta babysit my little sister and brother after school." I said to him.

"No problem, feel free to pull through anytime. You know the address."

"Sure thing"


Finally the last ring and it was after school. I got out of my class and was on my way to the exit. Didn't feel like taking the bus back home so I'll just walk and pass by the corner store in slauson ave

"Ermias!" someone from the back shouted. I turned around and saw That new girl, Lana coming way. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking.
"Wait for me!"

I ignored her and continued to walking but she caught up with me and got in my way.

"Please get Outta my way." I spoke on a stern level.

"No, not until you tell me why you mad at me. Did I do something?"

I chuckled at her question and shook my head.

"You really gonna act dumb? I don't know where you from, but people from this side don't take stuff like that lightly. Goodbye. "

I tried to walk past her but she got in my way once again.

"You're not going anywhere until you speak up. What did I do?"

"You gave me a fake number! If you didn't want me to have your digits, you should have just told me instead of messing around."

"Fake number? What? Lemme see that."

"You really think I'd keep a fake number?" I scrunched my face up. She sighed

"Oh mi palabra. Look, I'm sorry alright? But It wasn't my intention to give you a wrong number. Must have typed it wrong."

My angry looking face was slowly dissappearing once I heard what she had to say.

"For real?" I calmy asked

"For real. Look here's my real number." she pulled out a pen and paper from her bag and wrote it down.
"Now I'm definitely sure that this is correct."

"Well I hope so. Ey I'm really sorry for making It look as if you played me."

"It's okay. I'd have reacted the same way if I was given a wrong number." she was consent


"Not really but I get you."

Now Everything seemed to be cool. We were even smiling at each other...

"Hey,i was heading to the corner store for a lil snack. You wanna join me?"

"My papi wants me home immediately after school so I cannot."

"I understand, he the strict type?" I asked with a grin

"You have no idea. If he saw me talking to you, he'd probably shoot you in the nuts." She made me laugh a bit
"How about we meet up on Saturday? I'm new here so I don't exactly know this place. Think you can give me a tour?" She kindly asked from me.

"I'd love to." I answered with a big smile.

"Sure thing. I'll see you around then." she spoke and then started walking away.
"Oh and make sure you call me to see if the number is real." She made a quip. I just chuckled.

"Sure thing......"

That was that. I headed straight to the corner grocery and from there on I went home.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I got In the house and closed the door

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"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I got In the house and closed the door.

"Oh Ermias, thank Goodness you're home! Thought you'd never come back."

"Sorry. You wouldn't believe how long the line was at the corner store.

" Well as long you're here. I have to get back to work now. Your sister is in her room and little Shane is asleep in his crib. Just Call me if you need anything."She spoke in a hurry.

"Okay, no problem."

"Alright. Bye sweety."

"Bye mom."

She finally left the house. I went to the living room and jumped right on the couch to watch some TV. As always nothing interesting to watch. Just reports on gangs, thugs and stuff like that.

Alot of crime happens here in my hood. It's gotten to a point where we're used to it. It's all about survival and what not. I just hope someday I get to leave this cruddy place and live in a normal neighborhood, maybe take my whole family with me. That would be a dream wouldn't it?

I was thinking of calling Lana, but I decided maybe later. Right now lemme just continue with my maxing and relaxing. I'll just watch some cartoons, always keep me entertained....

To Be Continued

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