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I was too shocked when I saw Shane. He actually returned, and he looked way different, with Tattoos across his body and he even looked older with the goatee he was rocking.

"Shane, what happened to you...

" Forget about me, Lisa! What did you say was gonna happen to moms?! "

"The fuck do you care, nigga? You've been gone for so long, we thought you died, I ain't even miss your ass." Said my arrogant big brother.

"Ermias please..."

"Nah Lisa, let him finish. Speak up. I can't hear you. You know, I don't even know what I did to make you hate me like this. It's like the fact that I'm breathing doesn't sit well with you. We're supposed to be brothers for fuck sake."

"Nigga you ain't my brother. You're ass is adopted!"

"Okay thats Enough!!" i stopped Ermias before he went further into detail.

"Adopted? What do you mean?"

"I means you ain't one of us. We don't share the same blood, nigga. You don't belong here, motherfucker! Now Get!"

"Ermias, I said that's enough!" I shouted.

"Is this true..." Shane asked me with a devastating look on his face.

"Shane I...

"Yes or a fucking no, Lisa. Tell me if it's fucking true!" a tear left his eye and he looked as if he was about to blow up

I didn't want to answer him. I just couldn't say the words

"I see now. Your silence already gave me an answer. Have a nice life." those were his last words before he walked out of the kitchen.

"Shane, wait!" I went after him. I grabbed his hand before he could get to the front door.

"Dont do this. Please don't leave us again." I cried out.

"I never left you guys. In fact, I was never with you guys. I don't belong here, Remember?"

He yanked his arm back and opened the front door. I had no energy to stop him so I watched him walk out. As he closed the door.

My heart broke onto a million peices and I began to cry my pain out.....I turned around slowly and found nipsey just sitting there in his wheelchair.

"Look at what you've done.... I Hope you're happy with yourself, Ermias Joseph Asghedom. Mom and dad let that boy into our home and we loved him like our own.... but you couldn't find it in your heart to love him because we didn't come from the same womb... " I spoke so calm but yet I had this vicious Anger to burn

"Wait, so now you're gonna blame.....

" JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, ERMIAS!!" I shouted with burning rage in me.
"I have nothing ejse to say to, except Go To hell!"

I marched upstairs and went straight to my bedroom.


All my life, I've never seen Lisa so mad. That kid is trying to break us apart......


Officer K-9 was found at Slauson Donuts. As soon he got his coffee order, he walked out and got in his police cruiser, and there was a guest waiting for him in the backseat of the cruiser.....

"Dont even think about moving a muscle, punk." I said once I pressed my gun to the side of his head.

"How'd you get in my car?" He asked still facing the front.

"That don't matter right now, K-9. I'm sure you heard the news about Chino."

"Ah yes. The great fall of the fat cake. May God rest his soul."

"You'll be joining him any minute now." I was so close to pulling the trigger

"Wait, a minute. You think Im the one who killed him?"

"I don't know, bro. You tell me."

"You gotta be the dumbest gang banger if you think I'm the one responsible for Chino's Death. Me and Chino was straight."

"Then you better know who killed him or i'mma just assume it's you. Now talk!" I pressed the gun even harder.

"Did you ask Slauson boy?"

"Slauson boy? You mean nipsey? No way. What's he got to do with Chino dying?" I asked him

"The last time I saw Chino, I showed him a couple of pictures that made him mad."

"What pictures?"

"Pictures of your boy, Nipsey hussle, on a rooftop talking to a cop. Not just any cop By the way, he was talking to detective Cross."

"So what? You think nipsey was snitching on us?"

"exactly,my friend. I'm sure Chino went to go clean his clock, but he ended up getting himself killed."

"Thats impossible. Nipsey doesn't have the balls to kill someone! He ain't like that."

"well you know what they say, Yg. Anybody is a killer, all you gotta do is push them to the limit. I'm pretty sure Nipsey had no other option to end Chino's life...."

This was too fucked up to be true. This shit didn't add up at all. Nipsey has never snitched on anybody, and he'll never have the courage to kill someone.....

"You're fucking with me, right?" I said to the dirty cop.

"Why don't you go see him and ask for yourself. Maybe he's reaction will give it away."

If Nispey is really responsible, then I have to end him.....


Since Lisa was mad at me and I couldn't walk, I had to sleep downstairs in the living room. I woke up and heard humming in the kitchen. It was probably her....

I struggled to get on my wheelchair, but eventually I got on and went to the kitchen. I found Lisa eating breakfast on the dining table. She stopped her humming once she saw crawl in.

"Goodmorning, Lisa." I said to her. She didn't reply nor did she look at me.

"Lisa I'm talking to you. Don't trip" still no response from her

"Damn it Lisa stop acting like a bitch!" I shouted then she glared at me.

"I don't care what you say, Ermias. You're not my father, alright?" she dissed me

"But I'm your big brother, and I demand respect from you."

"Respect is earned, and you just lost mine completely." she clapped back. Lisa stood up from the dining table and I watched her as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Lisa! Come back here! Where you going?"

She paused and turned her head. She said "Your mother is in hospital, fighting for her life. I'm not just gonna sit here and look at your ugly face. Now please excuse me....."

"Lisa Asghedom! If you don't get your ass back here! I'mma lose it! Lisa! Lisa! LISA!"
I shouted as she walked away. She finally left the house and left me just sitting there in my wheelchair

Now that I'm crippled, Imma be disrespected in so many ways. It's only the beginning.....


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