Inspired by the painting, She Sleeps, by fantasy artist, Stephanie Law, the following poem is written from the point-of-view of my main character, Corryn, in my novel Silvermist.
You can see Stephanie's painting in the youtube vid above, at around 3.10
Here's the link where you can see the painting on her website:
Hush, she sleeps while I dream awake
Stolen moments beside the lake
Where we're headed I do not know
Whither she goest, I will go
Bramble hovers above her head
A carpet of sweetgrass for her bed
Pearls a-tangled in her hair
Scent of apple blossom in the air
Thorn'ed branches I brush aside
The stars are far, the sky is wide
By faintest moonlight, I pen a song
It's not a place, where one belongs
It matters not if we rove or roam
She - and only she - is my home
Hush, she sleeps while I watch the night
Awaiting the dawn's most gentle light
We'll feast on berries when she wakes
Bide a while beside the lake
We'll plant the pearls – enchanted seeds
Right by the lake, there by the reeds
Then we'll ride till we can ride no more
And fall asleep upon the emerald floor.
So, do you think my poem describes the painting well?
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PoetryOrigin of the word "Inspire" - Middle English "enspire", from Old French "inspirer", from Latin "inspirare" - 'breathe or blow into' ('in' = 'into' + 'spirare' = 'breathe'). The word was originally used of a divine or supernatural being, in the se...