In Cathedrals of the Forest

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Another poem inspired by a painting by Stephanie Law, in her Faeries series.

You can see the painting here:

In the lush green forest, the Elf Queen walks

On the eve of Earth's Spring Equinox

She pauses to feel, with eyes held closed

A song waiting to be composed

Tall trees holding up the dome'd sky

Without complaint, without a sigh

As pillars rising to Heaven from Earth

Far exceeding rare gems, their true worth

Dry and rough the tree-bark feels

Yet a living entity, it soothes and heals

She feels the throb, she feels the hum

Rhythm enthroned in the tall tree trunk

From above, light streams as a river down

Harmony in Nature, without a sound

The tree's rhythm is the earth's, the sky's

Complementing our melody, our lows, our highs

A kaleidoscope of butterflies, cerulean hue'd

With Elven magick strong-imbued

Cluster around her flowing gown

Her slender form, her hovering crown

Around her they dance and flit and flutter

For her attention, they cling and wildly clamour

In azure hues of Sea and Sky,

They sing of Change, a song of Life

Morphing, transforming – the only constant

What is it that is truly important?

From one stage to the next, as we morph and change

Something happens, wonderfully strange

Our range increases, as if in magick interchange

Thoughts and talents, reset and rearranged

Dreaming spires of sylvan sanctuary or church

Wherever for ourselves we seek and search

Prayers heard or those left unsaid

Our innate talents, each our own best match.


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