Moving Through The Spaces Between

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Another poem inspired by a painting by Stephanie Law, from the series Where The Sea Meets The Sky.

You can see the painting here:

Across the stream where the swallows sail

I ride upon my faery elk

Twin foxes gambol round his hooves

High above us, the forest roof

Upon his antlers songbirds perch

Spiralling branches steepled like a church

Capsuled in golden orbs, lotuses bloom

Tree limbs twine, like bride and groom

Bareback I ride, no stirrups nor reins

Fingers tangled in my sturdy mount's mane,

And all around, the enchanted woods whisper

Drawing us deeper into the forest's fissure

Moving through the spaces in-between

Waking and dreaming, the seen and unseen

Side-saddle I ride to glide and slide

Through space and time, the Great Divide

From beyond the veil, from wherever gifts hail

Of dreams and imaginings we can all avail

It matters not your scope or scale

There is no win, there is no fail

Life's but a constant yearning for more

Real or unreal, the Truth at our core

To feel is to ache with a heart full of Love

As without, so within, as below, so above.


So, did you go look at the painting? If you like this poem, do consider voting for it, or comment below so I will post more poems like this. Thanks for reading!

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