Chapter 5

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Hiccup's POV

I groaned, groggily opening my eyes, only to immediately feel them strain due to the darkness. After a minute my eyes had adjusted and began to dart around the room, assessing the situation.

I was under the deck of a ship, my hands tied with rope and my arms around a beam. Looking around, I saw no weapons to cut myself loose, and even if there were any I'd never be able to reach it without my hands being freed first, for my legs were chained together as well.

How did I even get here? I wondered idly. A moment later, in my mind's eye, I could picture the silhouette of a man and a sharp pain in my throat. Bounty hunter, I realized. Oh great. Well done Hiccup, your bad luck has really done it this time. Your bad luck, carelessness, and stupid pride.

And for the first time since I'd woken up, I felt a flicker of fear in the pit of my stomach. Because I realized no one would be coming to my rescue, for no one on Berk knew about the bounty, or knew where I could be. So I'd have to figure out a way to escape.

"Okay Hiccup, think. Think think think..." I murmured, racking my brain for a solution. Several minutes later, I began to rub the rope tying my hands against the wooden beam. If I rubbed it long and hard enough, I could break free.

. . .

After what felt like half an hour, the rope broke, and my exhausted hands were free.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

I froze as I heard footsteps coming down. I wrapped my arms around the beam backwards, making it look like I was still tied up. Then, as convincingly as possible, I pretended to still be knocked out cold, letting my head fall forward gently.

The footsteps reached the bottom of the stairs, and though I couldn't see, I could hear someone raggedly breathing. The guard stood there for at least a minute before walking back up the stairs. Thank Thor whoever it was had fallen for it.

I waited another minute just to be safe. When I was sure he wasn't watching, I raised my head gently and cracked my neck, which was already feeling sore.

Just before the man (I think) had left, I'd glimpsed at the entryway, and just barely, I could see it was still daylight out.

Okay, if I'm gonna escape, I'm going to have to wait until nightfall to do it...

. . .

Hours later, another guard checked on me, and fell for my act. Just like before, I glimpsed the entryway, telling me that it was night. I waited longer still, until I could hear the crew members trudge to their rooms.

I detached my prosthetic, freeing one leg. I could tell that these bounty hunters were not very clever. Yes, they had knocked me out with a blow-dart, but they had so called "chained" my legs simply by wrapping the chains around them.

After freeing my legs and reattaching my prosthetic one, I stood up and stretched my cramped limbs. That feels so much better. Walking up the little staircase, I peeked my head out of the trapdoor. Nobody in sight. I slipped out of the under deck.

"Oh Thor." Looking all around, there were no nearby islands in sight. Great! Just great! Not only are there no islands nearby, there is nothing I can escape--

"On." My thoughts trailed off when I spotted a dinghy on the back left side of the ship. Gingerly, I walked towards the dinghy, wary of the Thor-knows how many crew members were on this ship, though sleeping, were still capable of recapturing me.

I untied the ropes holding the dinghy, and winced as the dinghy crashed into the sea. I waited, listening for any signs that I'd waken anyone. Besides the waves hitting the boat, and the frigid wind blowing the sail, there was only silence.

I sighed in relief. Without a backwards glance, I climbed down into the boat. There were only a few little puddles of water on the floor, with a pair of oars and a lantern dangling from the bow.

I grabbed the oars and with some difficulty, I rowed myself away from the ship. I lit the lantern using Inferno, who was thankfully still with me, when I was sure I was far enough away.

Pocketing Inferno, I whooped. I'm free! I thought.

Wanted: Hiccup Haddock IIIWhere stories live. Discover now