Chapter 11

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Astrid's POV:

I stood there, gaping at the poster. 1000 gold coins. Viggo wants Hiccup that badly huh? Well he's not going to get him, at least not for long.

I tore the poster into bits, and watched the shreds flutter to the ground. Not while I'm around. "We have to find him. We've gotta leave now." I said, fixing my gaze on the others. "Astrid it's late. We can't do much at night. And we're all exhausted." Snotlout tried to reason with me, but I shook my head.

"The sooner we start looking for him, the better chance we have of finding Hiccup before Viggo does. I think we all know what Viggo wants to do with Hiccup once he gets him." Everyone went quiet, and I mentally shuddered. Viggo would kill Hiccup.

"And I'm 99% sure he won't be nice and quick about it." Fishlegs uttered a little squeak, while Heather patted his arm.

It was Stoick who spoke next. "You're right Astrid, Viggo will kill Hiccup. As much as I want to find him, Snotlout is right. We can't do much at night and we need a plan. A plan requires much thought, and we won't be able to come up with a plan if everyone is tired."

I bowed my head, knowing that that was an order from the Chief. No one really disobeyed the Chief except. . .

"I know you want to find him Lass." Stoick spoke to me in a whisper, resting a hand on my shoulder. "But we've got to rest first, and then come up with a plan. First thing tomorrow we'll start." I looked up at Stoick and nodded.

He nodded back to show he understood, and said "Everyone, we'll start our planning and search tomorrow. Get some sleep." They all nodded, and one by one disappeared to their homes or in Heather's case Windshear. She would sleep in the extra cabin not far from here.

I made my way to my house, opening the door with a crack. I closed the door, and snuck up the stairs. I walked into my room, dropped my axe into the frame on the wall, and climbed into bed. Once I was comfortable, I closed my eyes. A moment later they opened, and I flipped onto my back.

My mind was running, thoughts of Hiccup swirling around. I was worried about him. I smacked my head to get myself together. He'll be fine Astrid, Hiccup's smart. Even if they've caught him he'll find a way out, he'll have a plan. He always does.

Most of the time, said the pessimistic voice in my head. The optimistic voice countered, saying Hiccup would come up with a plan to escape if he'd been captured. But the men on the ship said he did escape. Where did he go? Did he get caught by other bounty hunters? Or had Viggo caught him?

Don't think like that, said the optimistic voice in my head. We would know if Hiccup was dead. We'd find out from traders, nomads, or even the merchants from the Northern Markets if we were truly desperate.

I gasped, and quickly sat up. The Northern Markets! They might know something about where Hiccup might be! I tried to ease myself and slowly lay back down. But my mind continued to run, and I gave up on trying to cease it. So I lay there, listening to the faint sounds of crickets outside.

Hiccup, where did you go?

Hiccup's POV:


I groaned, and covered my head with a hand. "No Astrid. Let me sleep."

"Come on. Wake up. Don't make me--"

"Alright okay I'm up! I'm up!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them I frowned. I looked around the walls of the small hut I'd built. The hut was quiet and dark, no Astrid calling my name to get up. It was all but a dream.

Sighing, I stood up and stretched, back cracking in the process. "Ah baby." I voiced out the pleasure in releasing the tension from my spine.

I stepped out of my hut, shielding my eyes from the sun. When they adjusted, I looked to the sky and saw it was midday. Shoot. I don't have much time to work.

Better not waste any time then, I thought before starting towards the forest.

Time was on the essence. I was now realizing that Viggo wanted to get rid of me bad enough to put a price on my head. The sooner I get off this island, the sooner I could get back to Berk. Once I got to Berk, I could lay low. Or try to get the bounty hunters off my tail.

I had a few plans in mind to achieve this: Plan A, I would search for a dragon on this island and fly to Berk. Plan B, get back on the dinghy and row to another island. I would try to find a dragon to ride home on it. If I was lucky the island would be familiar, and getting home would be a piece of cake.

I thought back to the mere hours I spent in the underdeck of the ship. I remembered hearing the shipmates talk about where I would be handed over for the gold: Sleipner island.

"Well, if Plan A doesn't work out," I said aloud to myself. "Let's hope Plan B doesn't take me to Sleipner island." I reached the beginning of the forest. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the woods. Into the unknown.

As promised, here is the bonus chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed. I tried to make it longer, hope it's long enough. Anyways, have a lovely day everyone! See you at Tuesday's chapter!


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