Chapter 12

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Astrid's POV:

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I sat up, blinking blearily. "Astrid?"

"Yeah?" I asked, yawning.

"It's Heather. Stoick and the others are awake and they're going to start making a plan soon. They sent me to wake you up." Heather said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I replied, throwing off the blankets. Heather opened the door and walked in, sitting beside me on the bed. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I slept okay." I nodded, before standing up. I grabbed my tie and braided my hair. After that I grabbed my axe. "Where are we meeting?"

"The Great Hall. We're supposed to start discussing the plan in ten minutes, so you might want to get breakfast."

"Alright. Want to join me?"

"Sure. I was going to get something to eat too." We walked out together, Heather shutting the door for me. I looked to the sky. Judging by where the sun was, it was around mid-morning. Villagers were bustling about, getting their chores done. I yawned, still a little sleepy.

We reached the Great Hall, where breakfast was being served. I grabbed a plate and filled it with fish stew, bread, and an apple. Heather grabbed her plate and filled it with food while I found us a table. We sat down, eating in silence.

"Did you hear about Hiccup? He's had a price put on his head!"

"No, really?"

"Yeah! I 'eard 'e's been kidnapped by some bounty 'unters."

I listened vaguely to the conversations going around the room. Heather heard them too, as she began to fill me in on the morning's announcements. "The Chief announced this morning about Hiccup's bounty and kidnapping. Not everyone was up when he gave the announcement, so only a few heard it."

"Looks like the ones who didn't hear it are being told right now." I commented wryly, gesturing to a shocked Bucket as Mulch filled him in on the announcement. I finished my stew and bread, then started on the apple. A few moments later, Fishlegs showed up. He spotted us and made his way through the crowd. It wasn't hard, seeing as Fishlegs was a husky Viking.

"Hey guys." he greeted us. "Hey Fishlegs." Heather replied warmly, while I simply nodded. "Chief told me to find you guys. They're gonna start the discussion in a minute."

"Where are they?" I looked around the room, not seeing the mountain-sized Stoick. "Oh right! Change of plans, we're meeting at the Chief's house." "Alright. Let's go then." I said, swinging my legs over the bench. Heather and I stood up and followed Fishlegs to Stoick's house. We deserted our plates, leaving them for Greta, who cleaned the dishes when everyone was done.

While Heather and Fishlegs chatted lightly I stayed quiet, too engrossed in my thoughts. The idea of visiting the Northern Markets hadn't left my mind, but I was unsure whether the others would be willing to try it. The Northern Markets weren't a friendly place, with Dragon Hunters and pirates and other unpleasant people to run into. I wonder what Stoick will say. Surely if it meant finding his son, he'd say yes?

. . .


"Astrid, no! The Northern Markets are a dangerous place! Especially now with Dragon Hunters all over!" Stoick yelled, spit flying from his mouth. "Chief please. Yes, the Northern Markets are dangerous but what better place to look for clues about where Hiccup is than there?" I pleaded. Stoick calmed, but his expression of disagreement never wavered. "And what if there are no clues? It's clear Viggo wants Hiccup badly enough to put a price on his head. Who's to say he won't try to go after you, as a means of blackmailing Hiccup to come to him?"

I considered that for a moment. There was a chance Viggo might be desperate enough to consider blackmail. But isn't it better to say we tried? "We have our dragons." piped up Snotlout. "We have a better chance of making it out of there with them."

"Even with them, there's still risks." Fishlegs said. "They have Dragon Root arrows, traps, and many soldiers. What if our dragons got trapped, and we were surrounded? There's only 6 of us, they could get us easily." I gave Fishlegs a betrayed look, and he immediately looked guilty.

"Then we bring others." I answered. Stoick shook his head. "We will not endanger my people on a search mission based on guesses!" That stunned me speechless. In my shock, Stoick continued. "It will be much safer and more likely of success if we simply track Hiccup. Skullcrusher has great tracking skills, we could find Hiccup much more easily."

This time, Heather backed me up. "With all due respect Chief, what if Skullcrusher loses the scent? Hiccup's scent could be lost if a stronger scent masked it." I felt a rush of gratitude towards Heather, and flashed her a smile. "Despite the risks of Astrid's plan, I think we should give it a shot." Heather finished, returning the smile.

Silence fell across the room, until Gobber spoke up. "I say we have a vote. Who agrees with Astrid's plan?" Heather raised her hand. A moment later Snotlout did the same, though hesitantly. "Alright." Gobber continued. "Who agrees with Stoick's plan?" Everybody with the exception of Heather and Snotlout raised their hands. Though I understood the reason why, I still felt like they'd backstabbed me. They were afraid to rebel against the Chief. The only one they would rebel against Stoick for was. . . Hiccup.

"Well then, the decision is made. We go with Stoick's plan. When do ya leave?" Gobber asked. "We leave in an hour." Stoick replied with finality. The discussion was over. "Alright then." Gobber said. He limped out the door to resume his work, followed by Fishlegs, the twins, Heather and Snotlout. I looked at Stoick one last time, and then made my way out. I heard him sigh behind me.

When I reached my room I threw my axe at the target on the wall in anger. I can't believe them! Not wanting to risk their safety to find even a small clue that leads to Hiccup!

I froze, a thought popping in my head. What if I go to the Northern Markets?

I pulled my axe out of the target, placing it in it's frame. That would be dangerous, and it would be going against Stoick's orders. I thought of Hiccup, his bright green eyes and his gentle smile. Hiccup would do it. Hiccup would go against his father to rescue us. He wouldn't hesitate. Then I shall do the same.

"Astrid!"" I heard Heather and Snotlout call from outside. "Yes?" They walked in, expressions of worry on their faces. "Just checking on you." Heather noticed the determination on my face. "You're going to the Northern Markets, aren't you?" Snotlout said, surprising me.

"How'd you--"

"We know that look. We'll come with you." Heather answered. I smiled. "Thank you guys." They nodded in reply. "We have less than an hour to leave. Do you have a plan?" Snotlout asked, looking at me curiously. "As a matter of fact, I do." I said, walking over to my bed. I got down on my stomach and pulled out a chest. I picked up the key from the ground that lay hidden under the chest. I placed it in the keyhole, and turned the key. I pulled it out and opened the chest.

Though a little dusty, I reached in and lifted the black hooded cloak my parents had made for me. I got to my feet, and faced Heather and Snotlout.

"Any chance you guys have some cloaks?"

Wanted: Hiccup Haddock IIIWhere stories live. Discover now