Chapter 3: Recollection

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——————Nicole's Dream——————

Nicole strolled through her home's door, humming to herself. She arrived home from work a little earlier than usual and going to start dinner. She turned on the stove and filled a pot with water and put it on top of a burner. She thought they would have Macaroni and cheese tonight.

Just a few minutes after the cheese started to melt, Gumball, Darwin and Anais came through the door. They had all just off the bus from school.

"Hey everyone! How was school?" Nicole asked cheerfully.

"It went well mom! I got to actually teach Gumball how to do an equation, and he for once understood it." Anais stated proudly, folding her arms and smiling.

This was followed by a sound of a jab, and an "ow! Meanie..." from her.

"Now now children, let's not be violent, alright? It's dinner time. Gumball, can you go get your father up from his evening nap please?" Nicole asked politely.

Gumball sighed, then hastily climbed the steps. Everyone else set their backpacks down and helped set the table. Soon enough, Gumball came downstairs, followed by the still very sleepy Richard.

They all sat down with a plate of Macaroni and started to eat. They all were then talking about their day. Darwin told a funny story about how a teacher tried to chase a student in a fit of rage, but fell so hard and clumsily. This made them all laugh. Nicole glanced away for a second to clear the tears from her eyes from laughter. When she looked back at them, they suddenly had disappeared. All but Gumball remained. She looked over towards him, now concerned.

"Where did everyone go?" She asked worriedly glancing around the room but still not seeing them.

"Don't you remember Mother? They are gone. They won't return. It's just us...forever." Gumball spoke, his eyes turning darker with every word.

Nicole felt her heart beating faster and faster. Suddenly Gumball stood on top of his chair, and raised his arms. Darkness surrounded them both, and started to envelop the table. Nicole jumped up away from the table and backed up to the wall. The darkness surrounded basically the entire room now. The only thing that seemed to remain was her and Gumball. Everything else seemed to fade into nothing. Gumball then lunged at Nicole, pinning her down.

"G-Gumball. Please! Stop this!" She shouted.

She kicked with all her might, but he was just too strong. His face inched closer to hers. With a evil grin, his darkened eyes turned bright red.

"No Gumball! Don't hurt me! P-please..." She begged mercifully.

Tears started to steam down her face. She was more scared then she had ever been before. She didn't want her life to end like this...

Gumball laughed maniacally and it echoed all around her. He then started yelling.

"Nicole...Nicole...NICOLE! Wake up...wake up...WAKE UP! Mother wake up!"

————————End of Dream—————————

Nicole's eyes shot open and she sat up in a cold sweat. She felt her heart still beating at a rapid pace. She looked around and realized she was still in her bed. It was all a nightmare...

She took a few deep breaths and wiped her forehead of the sweat. All of that wasn't real. It was just a bad dream. She repeated that thought in her mind over and over until she felt her heartbeat slow to a steady pace. She then heard a knock on her door. She looked towards the door and saw it open with Gumball poking his head in.

"Hey mom, I heard you talking to yourse-" he suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence before gasping, and covering his eyes. Nicole, confused, looked down at herself and realized she was still naked. She also gasped before covering up her exposed chest.

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