Chapter 13: A Dance, Perhaps?

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Last night was one of the most beautiful nights Nicole had experienced. She had confessed her love to Gumball. Despite her thinking he would never accept such strange love, she was wrong. Gumball did. To top it all off, he had kissed her back. This had sent her mind into a mix of emotions and feelings. Despite it, she had returned his acceptance of her with a very loving embrace...and a near total breakdown of happiness. Sure, it was a surprise to her; but ultimately, it had made her feel SO much better. So much stronger. The cracks of weakness that had sneaked into her were finally now being patched. All thanks to Gumball...

Nicole was awake. She was lazily playing with her son's still messy hair. A smile was still on her face. It came to be as soon as she awoke and saw Gumball wrapped in her embrace. She couldn't remember exactly when they had fallen asleep, but she did remember feeling such ecstasy just embracing him for what felt like hours.

Nicole leaned forward and kissed Gumball's forehead, making him start to stir. Gumball eventually opened his tired eyes just enough to see his mother's face. Upon seeing her smiling, he returned the favor with a smile of his own.

"Hey." Was all Nicole said.

"Hey." Returned Gumball.

Gumball was still in awe waking up and seeing his mother's beautiful face. It was truly a sight to behold. He was glad she was smiling. He was truly worried for her last night. She had confessed her love to him, along with breaking down in front of him. He couldn't stand seeing her in such a saddened state. He remembered the kiss. How could he forget. It had made her so happy... Something he truly wished her to feel. He would be there for her. Just as she was there for him. After all, he loved her. He loved her back...

Gumball reached his hand over to Nicole's, and intertwined them. He then nuzzled her chest. Gumball felt her free hand wrap around his head and continue to play with his hair. It still felt amazing. Oh how he had missed this...

After a little while, Nicole heard Gumball's stomach start to make gurgling sounds. This made her snicker softly.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." She said to him.

"I guess your right." He replied, giving her one final nuzzle.

With that, they both decided to get up and head downstairs. Nicole was about to pull out something from the fridge, when Gumball reached for the eggs beside her.

"Allow me mom! I think I can make something good with these."

Nicole looked at him for a moment, then glanced towards the stove, before quickly removing the eggs from his grasp and put them back.

"Gummypuss, as much as I love you right now, I don't think that would be...a very good idea."

Gumball being confused for a second, glanced over to where she had looked previously, before realizing his mistake.

"Oh, heh, right. I'll just uh...make us some toast."

Nicole nodded, before giving him a quick kiss on the head and made her way over to scoop them both a dish of fruit.

After eating a hearty breakfast, Nicole suggested a morning exercise. Gumball agreed, and followed her outside for their stretches.

The weather outside was nice, but Gumball could see a few darkened clouds in the distance. As he told Nicole this, she seemed pleased.

"If it rains tonight, hopefully it will help the soil before we plant our garden." She said to Gumball as she positioned herself to stretch.

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