Chapter 4: Family Bonding

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Nicole stirred her body slowly, and fluttered her eyes open. She felt very warm all over her body. She looked down, and saw Gumball still fast asleep all snuggled up against her. This made her form a gentle smile, and she leaned down and kissed the top of his head. This caused him to also stir. She then heard a small yawn and saw him rub his face slowly deeper into her. It then occurred to her...his face was wedged right between her breasts. This made her blush quite a bit. She certainly hoped this was an unintentional thing on Gumball's behalf, but she didn't want to dwindle on that thought for long. She did note that it still felt rather nice and welcoming to her...

Eventually, to Gumball's seemingly slight dismay, she got up from the bed. Nicole had realized that she must have slept in a way that caused her towel to slip quite a ways down and that gave Gumball an opportunity to snuggle ever closer to her; with no fabric barrier. She felt sort of dirty. Not only was he a teenager, but she was his own mother. Eventually she shook this other thought out of her head and walked downstairs. She needed a break away from Gumball for a little while...

She decided to step outside and onto the pavement of the empty driveway by the house. She wanted to do some yoga. It had been forever since she had done it last; with work and lots of hungry mouths to feed at home. She never seemed to have the time to herself. She shut her eyes, and started stretching. She let her mind wander, and her breathing to slow down...

Gumball woke up with a warm feeling in his cheeks. He felt happy to have slept with mom. It was such a refreshing feeling. He remembered he had a rather unusual dream this time though.

He was dreaming of her...his mom. She seemed to be wearing a very wet towel, and she was walking over to him. She had pulled him close and made his face press right up into her cleavage of her breasts. Gumball remembered a part of this seemed to sicken him, but the other half of him...well, he thought he rather enjoyed it. Gumball then felt her pull away from him, and seemed to be pulled away;further and further. He tried running after her, calling her back, but she was too far now. He then had awoken. He was unsure why he had that dream...but at least he was now awake. He felt his hand was holding something and looked down and opened his palm. It was the family picture from last night...

Gumball then felt emotions start to form inside of him again. This time, Gumball brought the photo up to his face and kissed it. He would always miss them, but he had to carry on. He then placed it back inside his wallet and put it in his old ripped pants and kicked them under his bed. He would keep it out of sight for now. He didn't want to think about them too much; for his mental sake.

He walked out of his room and checked his mom's room. No finding her there, he walked downstairs. He couldn't find her in the living room or the kitchen either...

'Where did she go?' He thought.

Gumball opened the front door to the outside and saw his mother stretching gracefully in the driveway. He admired her form. He had always wished he would be as flexible as her. She was also VERY strong, even if her body didn't seem to show it. Well, except for her legs and thighs. That was a different story... Gumball watched her ears suddenly perk up, and she turned to face him.

"Morning Gummypuss. I was just stretching and doing some yoga." She said, now standing upright.

Gumball waved to her, before walking over to her. She pulled him into a lovely hug, before letting go.

"You want to join me? I'm sure you would like it." Nicole asked.

Gumball seemed to briefly think otherwise, but eventually decided to try it out. He would be new to this. He never had done yoga at home or at the gym before. Hopefully this wouldn't result in him straining something...

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