Chapter 11: The Date

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After have completed their garden task for the day, the two were finally done. The sun was starting to set and the air became a bit cooler; much to their relief. Nicole wiped her forehead and brushed some of the dirt off her pants and shirt. She needed a shower. They both did.

Gumball laid his shovel by his moms' shovel on the edge of their fine work. It looked nice. No tree roots, no pesky rocks; just plain fertile soil. The earthy scent actually seemed to appeal Gumball. As he brushed some of the dirt off him, he saw his mother walk up to him. Confused as why she was getting so close to him, he soon found out why when she gently brushed stray dirt out of his hair on his head.

"You silly goose. I told you not to flip the dirt so hard." Nicole said, half chuckling.

"Wait, THAT'S how it got up there? Yikes, you was right..."

"No worries Gummypuss, we all make mistakes sometimes."

She planted a kiss on his head of hair before making her way back to the house. Gumball quickly followed suit.

It was decided that Gumball get his shower first, considering he was much dirtier then Nicole. Not wanting to sit in her dirty clothes, she took them off and placed them in her closet and put on a simple white shirt and panties. As she did this, she decided she needed to look for something to wear for their little "date" tonight. Obviously, the closet didn't have everything that she used to own clothes wise, but at least she had quite a variety.

"Hmmm, but which one?" She thought.

Nicole didn't want to dress just in casual clothes tonight, but didn't want to make this too fancy for Gumball. As she kept looking, something caught her eye.

"Ah, now THIS could work!" She muttered to herself. Gumball would hopefully like this one...

As Gumball got out of the shower and went into his room, he removed his towel and opened his own closet. He needed something good. He knew it was just his mom, but still, he wanted to impress her...somewhat. He found a lot of mundane clothes. He was a simple person after all. He did eventually find a tuxedo, but thought it was still overkill.

*ugh* "why is this so difficult?" He said to himself.

Surely his mom wasn't too picky in his clothing choice, right? He felt like giving up and just picking a sweater or something. But just as he reached near the end of the clothes, he found something.

'I can't believe I forgot about this!' Gumball thought as he pulled them out.

In his hands were his version of pretty "cool" clothes. It consisted of a white t-shirt, a red and black zip out jacket with no hood along with darkened jeans. It was something he thought of wearing when he took Penny to the mall for the first time, be ended up just picking casual clothes and putting this outfit in the depths of his other pairs; destined to collect dust. Now that it was in his possession again, he was DEFINITELY going to wear it this time.

'Hopefully mom will like this...'


The time had come. Gumball made his way to downstairs and into the kitchen. As he entered, he saw a large, neatly folded blanket along with a smaller box filled with a few food items. Gumball did feel a tinge of excitement. All this felt new and a bit strange, but in a good way.

"I wonder what mom picked out? Is she ready?" He thought as he opened the fridge and pulled out some water bottles.

Once he placed them in the box, he heard footsteps by the stairs. He then turned towards the kitchen entrance...and his brain went blank with what he saw. Emerging from the entrance came his mom, wearing the most beautiful sundress he had ever seen! It was a lovely shade of white, with small blue decorations near her shoulders. Gumball was truly stunned by her beauty. It was like looking at an angel...

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