Chapter 33: The Proposal

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"Aaaand, done!" Gumball said to himself as he stepped back and admired his handiwork.

It had been several hours now since he had left the house and started setting up stuff for their "special date". He had crafted a small elaborate campfire spot, complete with smooth stones surrounding it, a blanket set out not too far away, along with a few decorative pieces placed and tied onto the ends of branches of the tree nearby; causing light to scatter below in a plethora of colors like a disco ball. Finally, after so long, did he think he was done at last.

'Well done me, well done...'

Wiping his brow, he let out a sigh of relief.

'Alright, time to dress fancy, get the ring...and hopefully make this evening one of the most important ones of my pressure.'

Just thinking that made his heart start to beat faster. To say he was nervous would be an understatement. He could hardly imagine what he would feel when he did decide to propose.

'Oh man...I REALLY hope I don't faint...'

This brought a smile to his lips.

'Ah come on brain, that isn't gonna happen. You got this...don't worry.'

Deciding to clear his mind now of this before it manifested into pure fear and anxiety, he started walking and heading back home. Walking almost always helped clear his head as a kid; one way or another. As he nearly got out of the park, he felt his mind already start to free up itself from his previous thoughts. Something he was quite grateful of.

As he entered back into the house, his nose was instantly greeted by a blend of mouth watering aromas in the air.

oooo, now THAT smells good...'

Deciding to have a peek for what he was in store for tonight, he rounded the corner and waved towards Nicole.

"Hey~ I'm back."

Nicole instantly stopped what she was doing and turned around to face him.

"Gummypuss! I'm glad to see your back." She said excitingly, walking over to him now and giving him a warm hug.

Gumball returned the favor with a big one of his own before pulling back a little and focusing his gaze behind her.

"So, what did you make since I was gone, M'lady?" He asked, reverting back to his theatrical tone.

"Well, my dear suitor~" Nicole started. "I have crafted the FINEST pie in the land, along with various entrees of fruit, vegetables and exotic dips made of treasured delicacies."

"Ah, yes, I see~" Gumball replied, pretending to put on an invisible monocle. "Well, shall we still commence this, I mean...fine occasion this coming evening?"

Nicole snickered a little.

"Indeed. appears I'm still missing an ingredient for tonight."

"Oh? W-what is it?" Gumball asked, now breaking character in confusion.

"Sugar." She spoke, stepping closer.

"But, I thought we HAD sugar. After all, I thought you needed that to make the pie in the first pla-"

Gumball was cut off by Nicole kissing him deeply and passionately. This, of course, made his mind go blank. When she finally pulled back, his realization on what she meant by sugar suddenly clicked.

"Ooooh, you meant THAT type of sugar..."

Now Nicole was full on laughing. Flicking her tail at him, she turned around and went back to her dishes for further preparation.

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