Chapter 15: A promise

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Gumball awoke within the warm embrace of Nicole. She had wrapped him tightly in her arms. He focused his sleepy eyes on her face and noticed she was smiling in her sleep.

'Well, that's a good sign.' He thought.

He gently started stroking her hair and messaging her scalp. He received a blissful sigh in return from Nicole. She slowly stirred before opening her eyes. She stared at Gumball for a second before speaking.

"Am I still dreaming?"

Gumball smiled at this.

"Am I just as pretty in your dreams as in real life?"

Nicole giggled before drawing in close and giving him a quick kiss.

"I guess I'm not. And as for your question, yes. Yes you are."

"Then consider me flattered." Gumball said, giggling back.

Nicole wrapped him in another hug before kissing his head. Gumball, feeling snug, leaned back into her chest and closed his eyes. He was loving every second of this. She was just so soft and warm. It was like he was meant to fit her embrace. He could lay like this for quite a while longer.

Much to Gumball's dismay, Nicole decided now was the time to get up and about. He felt her warm body let him go as she got up out of bed. As she stood and stretched her body, he couldn't help but wander his gaze over her. He really was admiring her near perfectly toned muscles on her legs and back. He was already familiar with her very toned abs as well. As he continued staring, he also noticed he was admiring...a few other parts of her. Her shapely curves as a whole, along with her now noticeably firm butt did seem to stir something within him. He wasn't quite sure what it was about them, but it did seem to make him feel a bit different.

After getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, they both had gone downstairs for some much needed breakfast. Nicole made them both a plate and they sat down at the table.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Asked Gumball, looking up from his food.

"Well, I was hoping to start planting the garden today. If that works for you."

Gumball's eyes seemed to light up at this.

"Awesome! I've been waiting to do that!" He exclaimed.

"Heh, I can see that."

Gumball then started to blush slightly.

"Sorry mo-, I mean, Nicole. I just wanted to plant quite a few tomatoes for our future food fight."

Nicole smirked and raised an eyebrow at that.

"You really are excited for that, aren't you mister?"

"What? Come on, I'm dying to have one with you. I'm sure it would be super fun!"

"Alright, Alright. I'll take your word for it." She said, now picking up hers and Gumball's finished plates.

"But first things first. Let's start planting and make sure we grow the food properly. We don't want to have terrible food to throw now do we?" She mentioned, putting the plates away before pinching his cheek lovingly heading for the door.

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