Chapter 29: Freedom

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Nicole had woken up right at the crack of dawn. It's lovely shades of color cast into the room, along with a tinge of blue, courtesy of her sculpture. Nuzzling into her pillow, she thought about her experiences last night. It made her feel warm pulses throughout her body. It was all so wonderful...

Reaching over to stroke her lover, she felt only sheets on the opposite side of the bed. Concerned, she looked up and looked towards it. It was empty. Gumball was gone. Nicole glanced around the room but still didn't see him. She was alone in the room. Sitting up and wiping her eyes, she tried to process this.

'Where is he? Am I dreaming still? Or did he just run off to the bathroom or something?'

As she slowly got up and out of bed, she made her way towards the door. As she opened it, she made her way over towards the bathroom. It was empty.

'Maybe he's downsta-'

She stopped when she heard something. A noise. Then footsteps too.

'Oh. He's downstairs. And it sounds like he's in the...'

oh no.

"Nonononono!" She spoke to herself as she quickly rushed down the steps.

Half skidding into the kitchen, she was prepared to scold him on using the stove again...when she stopped. Gumball wasn't using the stove. He was using the-


"Oh! Hey Gummybear! I was making us some toast. Have a seat. I'll pour you a glass of milk."

Nicole blinked before moving slowly towards her chair and sitting down.

"I...was not expecting you to be up this early." She said to him, clearly bewildered.

Gumball wasn't a "morning person" it seemed. Nicole usually was the one to wake him up first and almost always had to lure him out of bed when she got up. This on the other hand...was different. Not only was he up early, he was making full on breakfast; and judging by the smell, it was something she knew she would be in for a treat.

"Oh, yeah, heh. Sorry, I just...couldn't sleep."

Putting the final touches of honey on the warm pieces of toast, he brought over Nicole's plate. As Nicole gazed at it surprised, she noticed it had strawberries and yogurt on the side, complete with buttered and honey drizzled toast. This simple meal seemed like a gourmet dish coming from someone like Gumball. Nevertheless, she was still in awe from it.

"Gumball, I...I don't know what to say. This looks delicious! What's the occasion?"

"Oh! Heh, thanks! I didn't really have an reason I guess, I just wanted to make you something for breakfast since I was hungry...and bored."

Nicole noticed about his tone, but decided to let it go as nervousness. Perhaps he was nervous he would mess up and that she wouldn't like her meal. Figuring this was the case, she shrugged it off and bit into her lovely piece of toast now in her hand and was rewarded with pleasure from the taste. It was simply scrumptious.

'Oh thank God she seemed to buy my story...' He thought, bringing his own plate over towards the table.

Gumball did have some trouble sleeping, but getting up earlier than Nicole wasn't his usual plan. He wanted to get on her good side today, just in case yesterday had any flaws. He also wanted her to be happy today, especially if he needed to sneak off to get what he needed.

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