Chapter 23: Accidents Happen

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As the sun finally dipped below the trees and faded from view, the beautiful bright stars took its place. Nicole held the now sleeping Gumball in her arms. His gentle and rhythmic breathing seemed to soothe her. She knew it was time for them to head inside, but her body thought otherwise. Eventually a cold burst of wind danced around her and Gumball's body. This seemed to make her gain control of her reluctant body, as she started to shiver and pull her precious lover closer.

*Ugh* "Time for bed then..." she said out loud, starting to stand up.

Gumball, hearing her movements, woke up groggily and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"How long was I out?" He asked, standing up as well.

"Only for about an hour. I wanted us to head inside because it's getting cold out here." She said, opening the door and ushering him inside.

Gumball followed her upstairs to bed. They both were too tired for another shower. As he took off his pants and climbed in, he moved over to get closer to Nicole. As he nuzzled into her body, she wrapped him tightly in an embrace.

"I love this..." he said, reveling in her warmth.

Nicole let out a small chuckle before caressing his hair.

"I can see that. Let's hope you sleep as soundly here as you did out there."

Gumball chuckled back.

"Why do you say that? Did I like...snore or something?"

This caused Nicole to kiss his head.

"Maybe a little~"

"Oh great...I didn't wake you up did I?" He asked worriedly.

Nicole rubbed his hair in assurance, giggling to herself.

"No you didn't Gummypuss, I was awake."

"Oh...I thought you would have slept."

Nicole went silent for a moment.

"I thought I would too, but...I had a lot on my mind."

Gumball faced her again.

"Like what?"

Nicole lowered her ears and let out a deep sigh.

"It's just...the watch and the lack of  understanding it, Darwin and Anais, the worry of caring for them since we have been gone..."

Gumball cupped her cheeks and rested his forehead against hers. Nicole then continued.

"I know...I know I told you to not worry so much about all this...but the truth is Gumball...It's been starting to sink in for me. I'm...I'm just concerned..."

Gumball kissed her gently on the lips, pulling back after a few seconds to look her in the eyes.

"Hey...It's alright. It's okay to feel this way. You told me that yourself. Your reaction to all this was just delayed from mine. We all have emotions...and it's okay to feel them. We got each other for comfort, and can help one another during times like this."

Nicole smiled now, before lowering her head a little.

"Thank you sweetie...that means a lot."

They then both hugged each other tightly, before parting after she cleared her throat.

"Um...I guess since we are on the topic of 'things on my mind'...I have something to confess."

Gumball cocked his head slightly.

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