Chapter 36: Eternal Love (Epilogue)

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[For the best reading immersion, please play the music above (and with headphones if possible)]

The sun slowly rose above the trees, reflecting its soft light off the dew droplets on the grass below. The wind blew gently, sending leaves and branches to dance along in a graceful motion, like that of waves of an ocean. The serenity of it all would calm even the fastest beating hearts. Despite there being only two within this world of unpredictability; they beat slowly, almost in unison now. one.


Gumball woke up slowly, but who could blame him. His entire body was experiencing a very new sensation. He felt tingly all throughout him; from his head, down to his toes. He knew what this feeling, this wonderful feeling, was.

It was love. The truest kind of it. Every part of him was telling it so. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world to him...

He soon felt movement on his back. It was a pair of arms, and they were tightening their grasp on him. This made him smile. He knew who it was who was holding him so tight; so lovingly...

His wife. His love of his life...


Raising his head, he focused his eyes. There, staring back lazily...was her eyes full of the most brilliant form of sparkles he had ever seen; something that would even outshine the stars...

Their seemingly endless gaze made each of them lose their breath, for they were so fascinated by each other. It was true that as of last night, they were different people; but now, to witness a gaze so beautiful from each-other...was breathtaking.

Nicole caressed his face. Tears started to form in her eyes...

Despite everything she experienced in her life; from the childhood trauma, the abuse, the beatings, the belittlement...everything...she was finally over it all. She finally was at peace; something she thought she would never experience...

Right here, right now; next to someone who not only helped her conquer her demons, but who had set her free. He...loved her. Gumball loved her to his very core. She knew that now. He was there when she had been near her lowest...and he was there, intertwined with her when she reached her highest. He was her everything now, just has she was his. They completed each other, something she now had no regrets whatsoever...

Tears streamed down her face now. Gumball seemed to break from his trance before crawling up her body and wiping them away softly.

"D-do you...regret what we did?" He asked quietly, waiting for her response.

Nicole smiled warmly before pulling him into a gentle kiss.

"No...and I never will." She spoke as she pulled back.

She saw him smile in return, and felt his chest start to warm up as she lowered her hands onto it.

"I must admit...I'm...still a bit tired." Gumball said, slowly lowering himself back onto her chest.

Nicole gladly accepted his body and wrapped him once again in her arms, creating a warm embrace.

"I wouldn't blame you am I..."

"Did I...uh...satisfy you?" He sheepishly asked, causing nicole to snicker before kissing his head and playing with his hair.

"You, mister, certainly did~"

Nicole could make out a faint smile creep up on to his face as he nuzzled into her chest. She knew he was happy hearing that.

"Did I satisfy you, Gummypuss?"

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