Chapter 17: Harsh Memories

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Gumball slowly got out of bed. His headache had prevented him from sleeping well that night. Despite the lovely dinner that Nicole had prepared for them, it couldn't seem to cease the headache that persisted that evening. He had tossed and turned all night in a cold sweat. As soon as the sun rose, he knew he had to get up. He quietly got out of bed, carefully taking steps to the door to prevent waking Nicole as she slept soundly on the other side of the bed. He made his way to the bathroom.

As he entered, he splashed cold water on his face. As he rubbed his temples, he let out a slight sigh of discomfort. He knew what the cause of all this was from. The strain of removing people that had been on his mind had taken its toll. Although Gumball had expected to find some relief doing so, perhaps he had underestimated the mental energy needed to do it, and the side affects that followed. He grasped the side of the bathroom counter with his hands and lowered his head. He knew he needed to rest; to recover his body and restore his energy, but he also knew he needed to keep pushing forward. He couldn't give up now. If he did, then he might not be able to pick up where he left off. That was something he couldn't afford to do. Not now...

Gumball took a quick shower before drying himself off and combing his matted hair. As he made his way back to their room, he walked over to Nicole's side. As he stopped, he gazed at her sleeping form. This seemed to be a common occurrence for him lately. He didn't seem to mind for several reasons; one being her beauty. Her calm and cute face seemed to ease his mind ever so slightly. As he continued to stare, he noticed her face start to twitch.

'She's dreaming again...' he thought.

'But about what?'

Gumball then leaned in, and kissed her forehead, causing her to twitch more. Her relaxed face then sprouted a smile from her lips as he pulled away. Gumball returned a smile back before making his way downstairs for breakfast. Today would be a long day...

After Nicole had woken up shortly after, she joined him for breakfast. As she gazed up from her food and glanced happily at him, Gumball didn't seem to notice her and was staring blankly at his food as he ate it. Nicole could tell something was off about him. Something must be wrong.

"Sweetie, are you alright?"

Gumball seemed to jerk at hearing her voice, and looked up at her.

"O-oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm alright."

Nicole gave him a suspicious look before returning to her food. Something was definitely wrong. But what? Perhaps she would find out tonight. Gumball didn't seem to want to talk right now. So for now, she would wait.

After having finished their breakfast, Gumball started stretching with Nicole on the same pavement outside as yesterday in preparation for today's training lesson. He let out a quiet sigh. He knew today would be tough. His headache was increasing in pain and intensity. As he brought himself into a lotus position and closed his eyes, he stopped focusing on the pain, and focused on his form.

"I'm ready." Gumball said, straightening his back.

Nicole, being next to him and in the same position as him now, rubbed his shoulder gently.

"Alright. Now, today we will work on forgetting painful memories. Not just people this time. Memories contain both people and events. It will be harder to focus, but you must do it. Focus on letting the memories be destroyed, not just letting them remain. You must rid yourself of them. They will only cause you more pain..."

Nicole then tightened her grip on his shoulder.

"Gummypuss, I know this will take a toll on you. It did for me. You will feel...emotional at times, but don't be afraid to let it out. It will be okay. Just remember, I'm here for you. I'm not letting you go. Be brave."

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