Something New

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                             all are to be on look out, no matter what devision you serve. This is a serious matter.
We are sending troops to random outpost on different planets to help the search, lord Vader wants him retrieved as soon as possible.

Long live the empire.

I opened my eyes, I turned away from the wall and saw Ralf already up listening to the radio.
"Ugh Ralf, we talked about listening to the radio in the mornings." He looked started when I spoke, he quickly turned the radio off. "Sorry." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Do I ever tell you how much I hate doing this, everyday.?" He sighed, "you tell me everyday."
A few minutes went by, then I decided it was time I put my armor/suit back on. It was quiet for awhile till Ralf spoke, "you think we will ever get out of here, like escape for good. Live our own life?" I stopped what I was doing and stared at the ground.. "maybe, I mean I hope, I really hope but our luck is running low." I finally pulled my boots on. He turned at looked at me "when you find the chance to get out of here, do it, you know a rebel when you see one, just tell them, tell them the-.." "Ralf, I know, I know.."

I put on my helmet (that took forever) I looked over at Ralf, "hey better get off your ass before your late." He smiled.

I hated this suit with a passion, hard to breathe in, and you hardly can see anything. That's why most trooper are horrible at aim, we can't see. I kept thinking about what Ralf said. "When you see the opportunity, go for it." But I thought, that meant leaving him behind, I couldn't do that, I wouldn't do that. For the 5 years I've been serving here, he is the closest I've ever gotten to someone, as a friend of course.
I finally arrived at my post, I saw a trooper walk towards me. They finally approached me, "TK-5991, correct?" I hated hearing that, the empire have given us all numbers to go by, but we're more than just numbers.
"Yes sir that's me, what can I do for ya?"
"There is soon to be a ship arriving, you are to check the captain of the ship, and why there here, understood? Wow, this was new, no one ever comes to Hoth. "Uh yes sir, will do!"

A couple of minutes go by, then you hear the hum of the ship, it lands a pretty far away from your post, but you can still see them. A few stormtroopers walk out, normal looking ones. They finally get close enough, show time.
"Which one of you are in charge of the ship?" One of the troopers stop, but the rest keep walking. "That would be me sir."
I took a couple steps towards her, it's not everyday you come across a female trooper. "What's your operating number?"


She finally spook "my what..?" I looked up from my tablet, "uhm, your uh operating number.." more silence. "Oh, sorry, it's TK-8000. But please if you don't mind, just call me Zero.." I type her operating number into my tablet like thing and it was approved. I look back up at her "you want me to call you Zero, like a name.?" "Uhm, never mind please don't tell anyone, I know us troopers are not supposed to give each other names but I can't stand being called a number.." She seemed nervous, well she was a nervous reck. "Hey don't worry about it, I have a friend that is called Ralf instead of a number." I can't tell what her expressions are through her helmet but I'm sure she was realized.
"Come on inside, your probably cold you don't have heated armor" as I was turning to walk towards the tent she grabbed my arm. "How many more of you troops have names" she said it in a whisper so no one could hear. "Just me and Ralf, that's it." She let go of my arm and look to the ground.

What if she was like Ralf and I and wanted to leave the empire, maybe she is waiting for me to say the word so she knows I'm not an enemy. Maybe she is an enemy and she was just testing me. But I felt in my gut, if this was our chance to escape, better not waste it.


She quickly looked up at me, "where's Ralf.?" "He gets off his uh shift at 4:40.." she grasped my hand, then she looked at me.

"I'm getting you both out of here."

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