A Mandalorian

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Me and Ralf waited for what felt like hours for her to come back, it may have even been hours. Ralf stayed sitting on the cot he folded out, while I was up walking back and forth passing. "Niro, come have a seat you've been passing around for ever- "I'm fine". I didn't mean to raise my voice at him, but I was a nervous wreck. What if she got caught for sneaking us in, or what if a rebel shot at her.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice at your, I'm just nervous I guess." He laughed, "you have nothing to be nervous about, she knows what she is doing." I stopped walking, "how can you be so sure..?" It look though as if I had caught him off guard saying that. "Well uhm I'm not sure, but I bet you she is fine!" I started to really worry now.

A few more minutes go by, and I finally snap. "I can't take it anymore! She could be hurt or even dead for all we know, I can't just not know how things are going out there!" I turn away from Ralf and headed towards the door. "Niro wait you'll be noticed right off the bat if you go out there!" I turned back to look at him. "And what if she's hurt huh?" He looked like he was trying to think of something to say, but he didn't say anything at all. We walked over to the desk and grabbed his new trooper helmet, and my snow trooper helmet. He walked back to me and handed me my helmet. "I know I can't stop you from going out there, but at least wear this, so they can't see your face." I nodded and took my helmet, I slid it over my face and neck. Ralf put his helmet on too.

The door slid open and the hallway was dark, I slowly went out the door and look to the left and right. The hallway was dark all the way down both sides, but the left side had an flashing red alarm going off. "It's all clear." Ralf walked out and scanned the hallways too. "Where is everyone..?" I shrugged, "probably where Zero is."
"Ok we split up, you go left and I go right..?" I turned to look back at him, "sounds like a plan, be careful Ralf." "You do the same Niro."

I jogged down the hallway, then I would turn to a different hallway, then to another. This place is like a fucking maze! I spent a good 39 minutes running through and out hallways. I finally stopped to catch my breath. "w-where are you Zero.." I leaned against a wall, there were so many scratch marks on them, almost like they were caused by finger nails...They probably tortured those poor locals in here. After a few minutes, I heard foot steps approaching me, but they came to fast and sudden I could hide or do anything. I was expecting a stormtrooper but it wasn't, it was a mandalorian. They had colorful armor, looked like they painted it on there. They raised there blaster at me. I raised my hands up showing I was weapon less. "Don't shoot I have no weapons on me!" They kept there gun raised up at me, "where did you get that snow trooper armor from.?" It was a girl speaking, I've never met a mandalorian before. "It's uh it's my armor, I'm a snow trooper." She laughed, "ha, listen here pal, I don't have time for any games or tricks, but your armor would look better with some color on it." She switched her blaster to stun, was she really going to stun me and take my armor?" Before she pulled the trigger, I yelled out the words.


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