New Plan

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She hesitated before she lowered her blaster. "Me and my fri-." She shushed me before I could finished, she quickly slid over more towards me out of the way of the hallway. After a few seconds you could hear a couple muffled foot steps of troopers, then they disappeared. She inched forward and pocked her head into the hallway, "all clear." She swiftly turned around, it kinda startled me how fast she moved around. "I can help you, did you say something about friends? How many of you are there?" Why was she talking so fast...
"Oh uhm just 3 of us." She nodded her head. "Hm, alright we can help you but it's going to be tricky, how are we going to do this?" She was talking in a very low voice almost like she was talking to me and herself.

Then there was a beeping noise coming from her walkie talkie thingy, it was built into her arm armor, that was pretty incredible for me I've never seen that before. Then another female voice started talking. "Sabine, do you copy?" She turned around like she didn't want me to hear them, well I could hear them anyway even if I didn't want to. "Ya ya I'm here, what's wrong." There was a little pause before they started to talk again. "There is more troopers than expected, Ezra and Zeb can't even get close enough to the vault. Sabine sighed, "well maybe we should have sent Kanan instead of Ezra, Ezra has not had enough training for this!" "Even if Ezra was trained like Kanan, this still wouldn't have worked, I need you to head back to the ghost."

Sabine turned back around towards me. "Listen up pal, if you and your friends want out of here, you guys need to help us first." She went on. "We came here to get information, but it clearly did not go as plan, so if you guys could get into the Agent's office to transfer the information to our cruiser, then we will come pick you guys up and they'll never know your gone." I had to process all what she said before I could respond. "But, when will you guys be back.?" She shrugged, "tomorrow?"
"But you guys just attacked today, shouldn't you wait a little while longer to attack again?" She laughed, "they won't think we would attack twice in a row."

She gave me one last nod, then she turned around and down the hallway she went.

Soon after I went the same way, trying to remember all the ways I came. There was a couple times I had to stop and wait for a huddle of troops to past. I finally got to Zero's sleeping quarter. Her and Ralf were already there typing in the code. Ralf was the first one to notice me, he sort of flinched when he saw me. Probably thought I was just another trooper. "Niro thank god!" He ran over to me and scooped me up, Ralf hardly never hugged me. "Save the hugs for when we are in my sleeping quarter!" Ralf put me down and we hustled into the sleeping quarter. Right as we got in we all worked to remove our helmets. Zero spun around and gave me a nasty glare. "What we're you thinking Niro! Running on out there in completely different armor than ours?!" I looked shocked, I looked up to Ralf, he also looked shocked. "You could have killed Niro." "I was worried about you Zero, but hey now I k is you can handle yourself!" I stormed over and put my helmet on the desk, then I stopped over to my cot. No one said anything for awhile, Ralf walked over to his cot and I think almost fell asleep. "Tomorrow, we have to head to the agents office and transfer information to the Rebel cruiser, then they will pick us up." Even though I wouldn't see Ralf or Zero, I knew they were staring at me. "Wait, wait, you talked with a rebel..?" I turned to Ralf who asked the question. "Ya a mandalorian by the name of Sabine I think, anyway that's what she told me to do before she left." Zero spoke, "ha, Sabine Wren bounty hunter to Rebel, funny how things can change like that. I looked over to Zero, "wait you knew her?"
"Ya before the Empire, buts that's a story for later."

The night went on, Ralf was the first to fall asleep, but I couldn't. "pssst, Niro are you awake?" I guess Zero hadn't had fall asleep either. "Ya, what's up?" I heard her get up, she walked across the room, surprising not running into anything. I heard her move something around, then a light appeared. I squinted my eyes, "what are you doing.?" She shined the flashlight over to Ralf, he was already passed out for the night. "Let's go to the gun range, we have one in doors, it's our last chance to do something fun before we have to worry about tomorrow!" She said that in a excited low whisper. "Zero, I'll get spit right away." She rolled her eyes and came and sat next to me still shining the flashlight at her face. "No silly, I go down there all the time past hours not in my uniform, even the few other troops that go down there sometimes don't were uniforms, you would blend in if there were others down there." I didn't say anything but she continued, "all you would have to do is just act like a normal trooper, please go with me Niro." To be honest, I've been wanting some alone time with Zero, to like get to know her, she's just amazing. "Ok ya I guess it can't hurt."

She smiled and jump up right away, she reached out her hand and lifted me up. "Follow me."

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