Safe and sound

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It was almost Impossible to see out of these cloak things, all I could see was the ground and my feet.
I could we got into town when I heard chit chatting from storm troopers all around. I could barely see Zero walking in front of me, I thought to my self, wouldn't it be strange that two locals were following a trooper. But I trusted Zero, she knew what she was doing. I heard a lot of troopers stopping locals and yelling to see their identity. I looked up a little bit, not much, I wanted to see what the town looked like. It wasn't what I thought, it was just a bunch of Tarps and Tent like things set up in each side. Then I put my head back down.
I heard Zero murmur, "almost there." I looked up slightly and saw a huge building to the right. We turned to go right but were stopped by a trooper. "Trooper, we're are you taking these locals..?"

I tensed up, I bet Ralf did too. Zero turned around slowly, "greeting trooper, I'm just bringing these locals to the jail cells." My face grew pale. "What for, did they comment a crime of some sort?" "Yes, I caught them both stealing supplies.." What was she doing, she was going to get us caught! I could see Zero's hand to her side, she was secretly spelling something in sign language, thank god I studied sign language. She said, "keep your head low and go with the plan." The other trooper walked around me and Ralf, then he stopped in front of me. "What's your name, local.?" Fear shivered down my spine, "It's uh, it's Niro sir." When I talked I made it to wear I had a little accent. "Alright Niro, and why did you steal some of our supplies?" I had to think of something quick. "I'm very broke sir, and I was just trying to get something to eat." "Hmm, still a thief." It was silent for awhile, I was pretty sure he was scanning me up and down. I was praying he wouldn't ask to see my face. He walked over towards Ralf, "and what about you hmm.?"


He moved to wear he was right in front of Ralf, "I'm talking to you." I got real nervous, this is it we are getting caught, why wasn't Ralf talking?" Then it dawned on me, Zero had mentioned something to him to make sure not to talk to anyone, because his voice was noticeable. I was starting to think I didn't really know Ralf, he never told me about his past before the Empire. Ralf remained quiet so I decided to speak up, "Sir, he can't talk, he had a real big accident when he was younger and got his tongue slice off..." It was silent for a little longer till the trooper walked back towards the side of Ralf. "Hm is that so, so that means you both know each other." I nodded my head a little, "yes sir, we've known each other since we were seven." He looked over at Ralf, "Well, your going to have to tell me that story about your tongue sometime!" He punched Ralf in the arm in a joking matter, he was also laughing at his own joke." "Alright take them in trooper." Zero nodded and typed in the code and let us in.

We quickly walked in the hallways, not seeing anyone yet. We finally got to her sleeping quarters. It seemed as if there were codes everywhere to get into places here. As we got in side the door slide shut right away, Zero was the first one to talk. "You know sign language!?" I was talking off the cloak while she talked, "ya I know a little, but I quit learning it cause it got in the way of my work." She smiled. She walked over and sat in her bed, her sleeping quarter was much bigger then me and Ralfs, the bed was the same size though. "Well you knowing sign language sure helped a lot out there." Ralf was pulling off his cloak too, "ya thanks a lot Niro." We all got settled in then Zero left, she said she had like a meeting to go to. Me and Ralf just sat and starred at the walls. I finally broke the silence, "Ralf, I heard you and Zero talking back in the ship, why weren't you able to speak to anyone?"

His face went pale.

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