The Plan

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Pure shock

I could not believe it, she is our way off this ice rock of a planet.
She finally spoke, "when your buddy Ralf gets off his shift we will go back to your sleeping quarters and make a plan, ok?" I looked to the ground, "yes" I looked back up to her. "Your probably cold, let's go inside." She nodded. Most of the tables were token up by other troopers, but there was one open on the far right. I pointed to the table, "let's have a little chat over there."
We got to the table and I sighed as I sat down. There were to many troops around to talk about getting out of here, but small talk can do. "You all are here to search for Starkiller, aren't you?" She nodded. She spoke low and quiet " pretty useless, why would someone come and hide here, almost every one knows that this planet is patrolled by the Empire."

Then one of the general troopers approached us. "Hey, sorry I didn't get to meet any of the other troops before they started there search.." He held out a hand, "I'm one of the few generals we have here on Hoth, welcome to Hoth!" She stood up and shook his hand, "it's great to be here." He put his hand back to his side, "well I'll uh see ya around.." He walked off." I looked at the direction he walked away then I looked back at Zero. "He never acts nervous, somethings off." Zero signed, "it's because I'm a girl." I look towards the ground, "oh."

"Hey trooper!" I looked up straight away and looked around me. I saw one the generals motioning for me, "ya you get over here!" I looked back at Zero, "hold on I'll be back." I walked over to the general, "what can I do for you, sir."
He leaned in to me almost like he was trying to whisper to me, "show that regular trooper were the sleeping quarters, there going to have to share a sleeping quarters with some troops." "Will do sir." I walked back over to Zero and motioned her to get up. "What did he want..?" He wants me to show you were the sleeping quarters are." She sighed again, "am I going to have to share with someone?" I opened the tent flab and step outside, she followed. "Ya, you can sleep with me and Ralf if you want"
She nodded.

About 6 minutes into our walk I barley heard her say. "I sure hope there is heating in there, I'm freezing." "Don't worry there will be."

We finally arrived and I hear a sigh of relief from her. "Ralf won't be back for awhile, around like 4ish he will be back." I turned to face her, she had her helmet off. "Oh, wow"
She smiled, "oh, ya I guess I should have told you." She was a Zabrak. "Oh, no no it's fine I am just shocked is all." She smirked, "what, did you expect a pretty blonde girl or something?"
I worked to get my helmet off. I pulled it off, and my dreads swayed in my face." She was the only other person to see me in 5 years than Ralf. I had light drown skin, and freckles spread across my whole face, and a huge scar on my left cheek. My hair wasn't long, but it also wasn't really short. I started to work in get my armor off, I noticed Zero looking at me. "What, did you think I was a pretty blonde guy or something?" She rolled her eyes.

"Ok let's talk about this plan, love been thinking about it" I looked back over to her, she was sitting in Ralfs chair facing towards me. "Ok so what is it?" "It's simple really, early tomorrow morning, I sneak you and Ralf onto the ship, and then when we get back to my base we're will have to figure out a way of hiding you to and figure out how to contact some rebels." "You don't think the generals will notice that me and Ralf are gone.?" She turned to look out the window, "there are about 50 troopers in each post, I doubt they would notice your gone." I signed.
"I guess your right."

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