An Ending

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There was a sudden pound at the door, it sound like a frightened knock.

Zero looked at me, then carefully inched to the door. She clicked a button and Ralf and flying in. He almost tripped himself as he came in. He took off his helmet, he was trying to catch his breath. "How much more time do we have on that damn thing..!?" I hurried over to the data pad, "a round 10 minutes still, Ralf what's going on.?" He shook his head in shame, "that's not enough time, there sending reinforcements." I looked over at Zero, she was still standing by the door. "What kind of reinforcements are we talking about?" She walked back towards us and sat back down at her seat." It looked as if Ralf went sick.


I could here Zero mumbled words like, shit, fuck, god damn it. "We're doomed, those rebels can't last long with him around!" Ralf shook his head, "I know, Zero I know.."

Then there was a beeping coming from the data pad, some from the cruiser was trying to speak with us. I quickly hit the account button. A voice came suddenly, "hello? Can you hear me?" It sounded like the girl Sabine was speaking to earlier. "Uh yes we can hear you!"
"Ah, good, I didn't know If something had happened to you. Anyway my name is Hera, how much longer on the transfer?" I looked back over to the data pad, yep still the same number. "Still about 10 minutes left." We could hear her sigh, "ok we'll sit tight, they called for reinforcements, we're going to have to hold them on for a little while longer." She spook almost right after she got done saying that. "Agh, there here! Once the data is done, get out here as soon as possible!" Then she was gone.

"Shit shit shit shit!" Ralf went back passing back and forth saying that over and over again. I've never seen him this stressed before. I got up out of my seat and walked over to him. I stood in front of his path, "hey.." he stopped and looked at me, he still hasn't put his helmet back on. "What Niro!?" I tilted my head down and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him. I think it took him a moment to realize before he started to hug me back. He rested his chin on top of my head, I guess I never had realized how much taller he was then me. "I'm sorry." He sounded discouraged. "I know, we are going to be fine, all of us." I loosened my grip, but he kept his. I could hear foot steps approaching us, Zero had decided to make her way over here. We made room for her and she squeezed in. I loved this, made me feel complete. Ralf was as my brother, and Zero, well my love.

Then the noise of blasters came. We all broke away from our hug and stared at the door. Yelling and blasters were right outside the door. Zero rushed to the data pad, "5 more minutes!" She looked back at me and Ralf, "Ralf, grab your blaster, Niro, get that laser sword thing."

Ralf reached on his belt for his blaster, I went over and got the lightsaber and placed it on the data pad. Loud thuds came from the door, almost like Ralf but a lot more violent. "There breaking in, Ralf stay up here with me, Niro when that information is done you press the transfer button right away, ok?" I nodded. The door was almost down, Zero and Ralf had back away from the door a little bit there guns still raised.

The door came rushing down, I could see Zero aim but soon stopped. Two rebels backed into the room with there backs facing us. They were shooting at something or someone. They both didn't even make it in 2 feet before getting there blaster shots fired right back at them. Almost like there blaster bolts bounced off something. There body's both hit the floor almost at the same time. Then you heard it. The breath piercing noise.

His breathing.

He walked into the room with his red saber still out. He scanned the room, or maybe he scanned us. "Really, only three of you to make such a ruckus?" Then he looked back to Ralf, he stared at him, he studied him. Ralf kept his blaster raised and pointed at him. I kept glancing at the data processing, 1 minute. Ralf's hands started to shake, but he kept his blaster raised.

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