Its Go Time

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Maul never let me have any of the "fun" jobs. He made me partner with him to work with Crimson Dawn, well he technically ruled it. His little everything, this criminal underworld. It was almost like ruling Mandalore wasn't enough for him. Nothing is ever enough for him.
Then he suddenly barged into my office, "get your things were leaving." I stood up and looked straight at him, do I dare even ask why? "Uh and why are we leaving.?" He looked away from me, I could tell he was annoyed of me asking. "I have some unfinished business that needs to be taken care of." Oh I was furious, he had worked so hard for this criminal underworld and now he was just going to drop it like that?" I sat back down, that looked like it bothered him. "Well instead of dragging me into your problems, I'll stay behind and cover for you here, it can't be that hard to rule a criminal underworld.." He slammed his hands onto the desk, he leaned over the desk a little. His furious yellow eyes stared at me. "Norla, it is as if you had almost forgot who you belonged too, shall I remind you.?" I gulped. "No." He stood back up, "ah, yes you made a good choice, I don't have the time to deal with your bratty attitude today. Now get your things and meet me at the entrance."

I jumped awake, it startled Ralf, it look like he had already been awake for a bit. He was sitting up on his cot staring at me, I looked around the room then rubbed my eyes. "Where's Zero..?" I looked at Ralf, he still looked startled. "Uh good morning to you too, and she had to attend another meeting." It was silent for awhile before he spook again. "Did you have another dream about the Jedi.?" I rubbed my eyes again, "ya but this one was different."
"How so?"
I looked up at the ceiling then back to the wall in front of me. "It was almost like I was there, with them in the same room." I wasn't looking at Ralf but he looked confused. "Them..?" I looked back at him, "ya that Jedi girl, and that Sith Lord guy." Now, Ralf looked a little concerned. I continued, "and this sounds weird but, I felt like the dream was recent. Like I was just watching them talk to each other, but it seemed recently, not like my other dream that when they talked it was awhile ago." I kept talking not giving Ralf a chance the interrupt. "And when they talked it was weird, kinda like not full sentences, like I couldn't hear the full conversation."

Ralf took awhile to respond, "Niro, as crazy as this sounds, but I think you say the future but from a couple days ago." I rolled my eyes at him, "ya right." He shook his head, "no, I'm not joking."
"Ya maybe, but it's impossible."
"Nothings impossible."

After awhile, Zero came back, she took off her helmet and sighed. "I can't tell ya how much I hate these meetings!" She tossed her helmet Over to the desk, were it landed, then she flopped down onto her bed. I looked over and smiled at her, I hadn't seen her since last night. Last night was pretty fun, the most fun I've had in awhile. She smiled back at me.
We talked back and forth about the plan and how we thought things would go down. "Do you know where the Agents office is, how to get in there.?" Zero look at me and nodded, "ya, I know the code and everything cause when we have prisoner transfers, we have to get to the cells through his office." Ralf spook up, "do we know what information we are even supposed to transfer onto that Rebel cruiser.?"  "No...but I'm sure we can find it easily, but it doesn't help that we have limited time before someone comes bargaining in to see what we're up to."

Then, a god awful alarm goes off, and it keeps ringing. Everyone jumps to the sudden noise. Zero look at us with a scared face. "It's go time."

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