A Secret

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She reached her arm to help us up, "ugh I can't feel my legs." Ralf was always was one the complain about things, he was right though I couldn't feel my legs. "Alright sit tight, I do actually have to go file a report about the mission." I watched as she walked down the hallway and turned to the right. Ralf playfully punched my arm, "Niro is crushing!"
I punched him back, "what are you 8 years old? And no I'm not crushing." I looked down at my hands, "it's not everyday you find someone as nice as her." Ralf nodded his head, "ya I guess." I looked back towards the hallway to see if she was coming, then I turned back to Ralf. "Ralf I've been dreaming lately." Ralf had sat down in one of the chairs, it was kinda like a couch thing, it was fancy. "Wow I dream too Niro." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, "no like about that one Jedi you told me about, Norla Maro." His face went blank, "what about..?" I took a deep breath. "Well she was like talking to that one Sith Lord dude, Maul.? And they were talking about a plan, and about how the force was changing something." He said nothing for awhile, then he finally said something. "Hm, that's weird." I looked over to him "what did they mean by they were sensing something in the force..?"
Ralf signed, "some Jedi, and I guess Maul, sensed Order 66, you know what that is right..?" I nodded, "ya when those stupid clone troops turned on the Jedi and killed them." Ralf raised his voice a little, "they weren't stupid, and they didn't want to kill the Jedi, there was a chip inserted into our heads that made us turn on the Jedi." I was silent for awhile. "Oh" I looked down at my hands, "you said our and us when you uh said that."

He turned red, "I uh didn't mean to say that." I chuckled, "it's fine." I heard foot steps, I looked down the hallway and saw Zero, she had her helmet on. "Alright are we ready?" She handed us cloak like things. "Why do we have to wear these..?" She looked at me like I was stupid, "well it is definitely noticeable that you guys are wearing snow trooper armor." "Oh ya I kinda forgot about that." She laughed. Me and Ralf put the cloaks and they went down to our feet. "Most of the locals wear these, if you put the hoods up and look to the ground when you walk, you'll look just like them." Ralf looked at Zero, "why do they hide there faces..?" Zero sighed, "ever since the Empire took over this place, the locals moved out of town, but they still come here and gather supplies, I'm not sure why they hide there faces." As we were in our way out of the ship Zero spook, "this planet was named after the species that lives here, so make sure you keep your heads low, sorry to say but you look nothing like them."

We stepped out side, it wasn't snow we stepped on, it was dirt. I heard Ralf mumble "ha, I almost forgot what dirt looked like." Zero laughed. "There is no one around, you guys can look up real quick before we start walking. I looked up and took a deep breath. The air was warm and didn't sting my noise like back in Hoth, it smelled like rain. I looked in front of me and there were dirt paths everywhere, but there was a very noticeable one in front of us, it probably lead to town. Then there were fields of grass, further away there were mountains. "Wow" Ralf said. "Alright heads down, let's get moving." Before Zero could take a step Ralf grabbed her shoulder, then he whispered. "Will they notice me..? Zero looked kinda shocked, "oh uhm, just keep your head down and definitely don't speak, your uh voice would be noticeable." He nodded and put his head down." Then we started walking.

When Zero and Ralf first met, I remember Zero looked like she had seen him before. And then that night they were secretly talking to each other, I don't know what about but I found it weird.

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