The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 29

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Where was it? I wondered. Where else could I have put my bakery plans.

They were always here.

It was a pink piece of paper I should be able to find it.

"Ugh!" I sighed flopping on the bed.

I thought of the bakery in my head as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Finn's Point Of View

I left the office and headed to the old sushi place. They only difference was I now owned it.

The workers were there on time. I walked inside and gave the head worker the pink sheet of paper that has Alex's hand writing.

I went over the plans with them before leaving.

Alexandra's Point Of View

A soft loving kiss woke me up.

I wrapped my arms around Derek's neck before pulling away.

"Dream about me?"


"Hard day?" he asked.

"Not really why?"

"You were passed out?"

"Oh," I laughed. "Sorry, I was thinking about my art studio and I guess I fell asleep," I half lied.

"I guess," Derek said getting on top of me. "How about a romantic dinner with you're favorite man?" he asked.

I smiled. "I don't see why not,".

"Yes" he grinned standing up.

I stood up and got ready in the bathroom, while Derek got ready in the bedroom.

I wore his favorite red dress and he wore my favorite suite.

"Ready?" I asked getting my bag.


I opened the door and grinned.

"You look amazing," he said.

"Are you talking to me or a mirror?"

He grinned and took my hand.

Finn's Point Of View

I was so bored at my house.

My parents were doing old people stuff and the others were busy.

I sighed and laid on my bed.

I wonder what Alex was doing or doing with Derek.

I really did miss her.

Why can't she see that we belong together.

She's so suborn.

I got off my bed and pulled on my jacket and headed over to her place.

As I pulled up to the driveway I saw that the lights were off and Derek's car was gone.

I sighed and tried to open the front door.


Damn it.

What about the back door?

I walked around the house and the back door was open.


I walked inside and turned on the lights.

Now, how do I mess with Alex?

I smirked as I headed upstairs to her bedroom.

I found her underwear drawl and smiled.

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