The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 46

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Finn and I were cuddled together on his bed.

Our arms tightly wrapped around each other never wanting to let go.

I rested my head on his shoulder and played with his small chest hairs.

He kissed my head and rested his lips there for a moment.

"I love you,"

"I love you," I said hugging his waist. "Ugh. I should leave,"

"Why?" he said pulling me close to him.

"I have some explaining to do,"

"Oh yeah," he said after some thinking.

He brought his lips to mine and let them linger on my lips for a moment.

I smiled and rolled off of him, holding the covers to my chest.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he smirked.

I blushed and glared at him.

I pulled on my underwear before getting up. I quickly changed into some of Kelly's old clothes and looked at Finn.

"I'll be back,"

"Good," I kissed him before hurrying out the door.

I ran across the street and into my parent's house.

My parents, Derek's parents, Finn's parents, Derek, both Kellys, John, Carry and Frank and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were all there.

Waiting for me, I guess.

I smiled at them weakly as I walked into the room.

"Are those my clothes?" Kelly asked.


Derek gave me a big hug and held me close to him. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled as he kissed me.

"Where did you run off too?" my mom asked.

I gave Derek a sad look and took a deep breath. "I can't marry you," I said giving him is ring.

"Why?" he asked his voice breaking.

"I realized now, that I don't love you as much as I thought I did. I'm still in love with Finn," I said slowly.

Everyone looked at me in utter shook.

No one moved.

No one spoke.

No one looked at me.

Derek slowly looked at me and shook his head. "I should have known,"


"No! Eight years, Alex. I gave you the best eight years of my life and you threw it away, just because you're ex boyfriend is back. Now you suddenly love him?! Did I mean nothing to you this whole time?!"

"No!" I said as the tears fell. "You made me so happy, I do love you and I always will, just not the way you want me too. I've been having these feelings for Finn for a while, I've been repressing them until now,"

Derek shook his head and pushed passed me. The front door slammed and everyone looked at me.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"I knew it," Kelly Johnson said.

"Do you own a flitter?" I asked.

She shrugged as Derek's family left the house.

His mom look beyond pissed as did his dad.

My mom walked up to me and gave me a hug. "You did the right thing," she whispered.

"What was that?"

"Following your heart,"

I smiled. "Thanks mommy,"

"So, can we celebrate now?" Kelly asked.


"You and Finn getting together! Come on!"

I laughed and I hurried next door to get Finn.

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