The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 7

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Derek and I were headed to his parent's house.

His mom was going to show us the place for our wedding.

Derek's young twin siblings, Kelly and Keith, were coming as well. They were four years younger than us.

We all piled into Mr. Young's van and headed to the hall.

My parents were going to meet us there.

Once there I looked at the massive building.

It was beautiful.

It was perfect.

"I already love it," I smiled.

Derek wrapped his arm around me and we walked inside.

My parents were in there looking around.

I loved the inside more than I out side.

It was like a Cinderella ball room.

"Your wedding hall is here," Mrs. Young said leading us to the hall.

She opened the door and I gasped.

"Whoa" Derek said.

"Wow," my mom and Kelly said.

It was beautiful.

The pews were a shinny dark wood color. The walls were a light orange and the chandelier in the middle of the ceiling sparkled. The rug was a rich red color.

"I like it," I said smiled.

"Same," Derek said.

"I new you would, that's why I already booked it for you," Mrs. Young said grinning.

"What?" we said smiling.

"The first of May right?" she asked.

We nodded our heads.


I squealed and hugged her. Derek joined us.

We left the wedding hall and went to the Little Café for lunch.


Derek took me into the retirement home that he working on.

It looks really good.

"I love it," I said walking around.

"Thanks, it's not done yet, but in a week or two it should be,"


Derek wrapped his arm around me and walked us outside.

"So, I was thinking that we get married on a beach and have our reception in the wedding hall's ball room,"

"Sounds good, oh, we should honeymoon in Roman,"

"That would be epic," he said lacing our fingers together.

We drove home then walked around in the park.

We talked about our wedding plans as we walked.

Derek and I watched the storm clouds roll in and we headed to back to our house.

It started to down pure and we ran across the street to our house.

I stopped in the middle of the road and pulled Derek to me and kissed him. He kissed me back instantly.

I smiled and pulled away. I looked into his eyes and I saw a flash back.

It started to rain so we head back home.

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