The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 37

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Derek and I have been distant.

After the pregnancy scare and the 'oh Finn' accident things have been rough.

That is why I plan on making tonight special.

I came home early and made all of Derek's favorites and I took out the good wine.

I made sure to look good and had the house looking good.

I put on romantic music and turned our bed room into a love making spot.

Derek was going to love it.

I made our dinner plates and covered them so they would stay warm.

After an hour of waiting I finally called Derek.

"Hey," he said.

"Where are you?"

"I'm just grabbing a beer with the guys,"

"Well, come home I have a surprise for you,"


"You'll see,"

"I'll be home in the next hour,"

"Derek, I spent the last two hours making something special for you,"

He sighed. "I'll be there in five,"

"Love you,"

Derek hug up and I reheat our food a long with the leftovers.

The front door opened and Derek walked in.

"Welcome home honey," I said walking over to him.

Derek smiled at me and gave me a long kiss.

I led him to the dinner table and we eat together.

We talked about our day, our wedding, and other things.

I made sure to mention how much I love and care about him.

Afterwards, Derek sang to me as we slow danced in our room.

I missed this.

I kissed Derek on the lips and he kissed me back.

Our lips moved together slowly parting.

I felt Derek's phone buzz in his pocket.

I pulled away but he pulled me back.

We fell on our bed which was covered with flower petals.

I took off Derek's shirt and pants as he pulled off my dress and bra.

The only thing keeping us apart was our underwear.

Derek rolled us over so he was on top. I raised my hips so he could pull off my underwear.

Lastly his boxers were tossed away.

Suddenly the house phone rang.

I looked at the phone as Derek kissed down my neck.

I looked at the caller I.D.


I frown and tossed the phone away.

Derek found my lips again and I smiled.

I opened my legs when the phone rang again.

This time it was Finn.

I rolled my eyes as Derek eased into me.

Once we came to an end we whispered 'I love you' as we drifted off.

The next morning I woke up and Derek was gone.

He left a little love note saying that Lydia's car broke down and she needed help.

I rolled my eyes as there was a sudden knock on the door.

I putted on my robe. "Who is it?"


I sighed and opened the door. "What?"

"Good morning baby," he said kissing my check. "How did you sleep without me?"

"Like a baby, now can you leave?"

"Nope! Any plans for today?"

"Derek and I might do something,"

Finn's smiled stayed the same but his eyes changed into a jealous glare almost.

"Where is he?"

"Helping a friend," I said as the front door opened.

Derek and Lydia walked into the house.

"Babe, can I talk to you?" Derek said grabbing my hand.

He led me into the dinning room. "Lydia will be staying here for a while,"

"Oh hell no," I said nicely.

"Alex, her car broke down and she lives in Boston,"

"Sounds like a personal problem,"

"Babe, please,"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't have a choice now do I,"

Derek smiled and kissed me.

I pushed him away playfully and walked over to Finn and Lydia.

"Welcome home. You can have the guest room," I said walking to my room.

I walked into my room and took off my robe.

I pulled on clean underwear and bra and the door flew open.

"Hey sexy,"

"Leave Finn! Are you crazy? Derek is right down stairs,"

He smirked and backed me against the wall. "I love you,"

"That's great, leave, please,"

"Not without a kiss,"

"Yeah right,"

"One kiss Alex, what harm can it do?"'

"A lot,"

"I don't think so," he said as his lips brushed mine.

I swallowed hard as I stared into Finn's green eyes.

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