The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 32

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I sat in the living room and waited for Finn anxiously.

Derek came through the door and smiled at me.

"Why are you looking all nervous and sexy?" he asked hanging up his jacket.

"Finn wants to see me,"

"Why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"He wants to show me something,"

"Okay?" he said before kissing my forehead. "I'll have dinner for you,"

"Thanks love," I said as he walked into the kitchen.

I watched his butt as he walked and smiled. "You have a nice ass,"

"You too!" he called.

I laughed as the doorbell rang.

I grinned. Finn was here.

I got up and walked over to the door.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Ready?" he asked grinning like a kid on Christmas.

"Yeah," I said grabbing Derek's jacket. "Bye,"

"Love you," he called.

Finn and I walked to his car and we headed toward my parents house.

As we passed his house, Finn hocked his horn at his dad, who saw us and waved.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked again.

"You'll see," he said grinning.

"Well, will you at least slow down, I want to make it there in one piece,"

Finn laughed and slowed down a little.

We reached the old sushi restaurant area and Finn slowed down. His grinned grew bigger.

"What?" I asked.

"Look for yourself," he said as he pulled into the driveway.

I looked out the window and there as Welcome To Oz Bakery.

"Shut the hell up! You didn't," I said looking from Finn to my bakery.

"I did," he said parking the car.

My hand covered my mouth and I took several deep breaths before doing anything.

I couldn't believe it.

I was speechless.

Finn has done some crazy shit in the past for me but this, this was an all time high.

I blinked away the tears and slowly got out of the car.

Finn followed me as I walked inside.

It was just how I imagined.

The yellow brick road, the colors, the green curtain that would find the Wizard of Oz, and all the Wizard Of Oz characters in their right spots.

"Finn, I...I...I don't even...How?"

Finn hugged me front behind and smiled. "Sneaking into your house has always been easy for me," he joked.

"I don't know what to say...Thank you...Thank you," I said hugging him tightly.

He hugged me back and buried his face in my neck.

"I love you Alexandra Oz," he whispered.

I kissed his cheek and pulled away from him. "No shit you do. Know one would have done this for me but you,"

Finn smiled as I walked around.

"I love it. Thank you Finn,"

"No problem, I just need the recipes for your backed goods and a few hours of your time to help get this place started,"

I grinned. "Sounds good,"

"So, wanted a bit to eat?" he asked.

"Rain check. Derek is cooking dinner tonight,"

"Right. How is the wedding planning?"

"A pain in the ass, but other than that, fun,"

Finn smiled and led me to his car, after he locked up my bakery.

Finn and I had a nice friendly conversation on the ride home.

He slowly pulled into my driveway.

"Thank you," I said smiling at him. "It means a lot to me,"

"No problem," Finn said leaning over to kiss my cheek.

I smiled once his lips meet my cheek.

"Good night," I smiled.

"Later," he grinned.

I got out of the car and walked to my front door. I turned around and waved to him as he backed out and left.

I walked in the house to find it spotless and it smelled delicious.

"Hey babe," I said walking into the kitchen. "You didn't have to go all fancy,"

"I wanted to, so then we could have some us time,"

I smiled and kissed him. "Sounds good,"

Derek and I eat dinner together and cuddled on the sofa together watching old black and white movies.

Afterwards we went 'to bed'.


Derek and I were instantly busy for the last couple of days.

He had a lot of job offers and took most of them, plus I need his help with Alexandra's.

I, on the other hand, was working constantly. I had four weddings to plan including my own, five rooms to redo and a full house make over and I had a lot of pictures to paint.

The bakery is going great. I see Finn a lot though, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Anyway, we are up and running and people seem to love it.

Derek found out about it a week ago because it was in the news paper.

He was so mad at me that I didn't tell him. Honestly I didn't know how. He got over it and went back to loving me.

Our wedding on the other hand was going good.

We had a place, a set date, and we sent out our save the dates.

I bet you're wondering about Finn.

Well, his good. He never lost a case and every time he wins we go out for a beer.

He still tries to win me over with the little things like making eye contact and not looking at other girls.

I know this is hard for him.

Derek and I just came back from a run and he is leaving for work and I'm meeting Finn at the bakery.

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