The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 23

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I finished work early and decided to get a pedicure.

Two of my clients canceled giving me a good two hours to myself.

After my lovely pedicure I spotted a tattoo parlor nearby.

I kind of wanted a tattoo, why not get one now.

I walked into the brightly light room and smiled at the tattooed man.

"How can I help a pretty lady like yourself?"

"Can I have a tattoo on my wrist?" I asked pointing to my inner wrist.

"Sure, of what?" he asked leading me over to a chair.

"A ying yang sign,"

"Sure thing," he said getting ready.

*Derek's Point Of View*

Alex would be coming home any minute and I was scrambling around trying to clean the house and cook a romantic dinner.

The chicken was in the over and the pasta was boiling.

Upstairs was almost clean when the doorbell rang.

I really hope it wasn't Finn.

I liked him at first but now, I don't know. I don't like seeing my wife so upset over him.

I opened the door and there was Lydia.

"Hi," she said grinning at me.

"Hey beautiful, come in,"

She grinned again and walked in.

"Nice house,"

"Thank you,"

"Oh wow, did you paint this?" she asked running over to the mural.

"Me and Alex did," I said smiling. "Like it?"

"Love it,"

"But why a rainforest?"

"We both like rainforests,"

"Oh," she giggled. "It's amazing. Where is Alex?"

"At work, she should be home soon,"

"Oh, well, I wont be long. I just wanted to give you the tickets,"

"Thanks," I smiled taking them from her.

"No problem," she smiled again.

"Want a look around?" I asked.

"Sure," her face lit up and I smiled.

I showed he upstairs and downstairs.

We were in the basement looking at the Alex's and my paintings.

"You guys are really good at this art stuff. Your house is beautiful and your paintings are amazing. Your amazing, Derek,"

I smiled. "You are too,"

Lydia leaned in slowly. I froze in panic.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

I paid the tattoo man and walked out of the store with a ying yang on my wrist and a music note behind my ear.

So, I went a little crazy.

I hurried to the car and speed home I didn't want to be late for my romantic dinner with my husband man.

*Derek's Point Of View*

"Lydia," I whispered against her lips. "We really shouldn't,"

"Then you do I feel like we should?"

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