The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 16

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I walked back my room with my music blasting through the ear buds.

My shirt was around my neck and I was wet with sweat.

I used the room key to open the room door and saw Finn walking out of the bathroom.

I took out my ear buds and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry," we said at the same time.

"You should be!" I snapped.

Finn gave me a look. "Alex,"

"Sorry, I really am. I shouldn't have said that. I was a little harsh,"

"And I was way out of line. Derek would be a fool to cheat on you and I know he's a pretty bright guy. He's nothing like me. You two deserve each other. I made a stupid mistake that I know he would never do,"

I smiled. "Friends?" I asked.

"Always," Finn smiled.

We went to hug each other than stopped and laughed.

"We'll hug when you're not gross,"

"Thanks," I muttered and walked into the bathroom, smiling.

Derek's Point Of View

I can't believe I'm here. I thought as I paced outside the house.

I rang the door bell again and waited.

Where was she? This was the right address.

The door opened and out came Lydia.

She smiled once she saw me and I smiled back.

She was even more beautiful than I remember.


"Derek," she said pulling me into a tight hug.

I missed being in her arms.

We pulled away and Lydia led me inside.

Finn's Point Of View

Alex stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, dripping with water.

I smiled as I watched her long legs walk over to her suit case.

"Stop staring," she snapped.


Alex threw a pillow at me and I caught it before it hit me.

"Ass," she muttered.

"I like yours,"


I grinned and she stormed away with her close in hand.

I laughed and focused on the T.V.

Alex came out of the shower again, this time fully dressed, and joined me on the bed.

"So, did you like skiing?"

"It's okay,"

She laughed. "You suck at it,"

"Thanks, babe,"

"Well, you do,"


She laughed again. "You'll get better, sadly,"


"Yup," she said resting her wet head on my shoulder.

Something about this felt right.

Derek's Point Of View

Lydia and I were in her dinning room chatting.

I told her about Alex and our wedding coming up and she told me about her acting jobs.

I knew she would always go far.

As I sat with her, I couldn't help but think about the times we had together.

I was starting to love her again.

Lydia sighed. "Derek, I've missed you so much. If you weren't getting married, I would want to get us a try. Just one more time,"

"Honestly, I would too,"

She smiled sadly. "I have to leave soon for an audition,"

"Oh, good luck,"

"Thanks," she said and we hugged again.

Before we broke apart I gave her a quick kiss and left.

Alex's Point Of View

We were going ice stating. We all carpooled with each other and headed to the rink.

Britney was an amazing skater. She taught Finn the basics as the rest of us skated around.

Finn seemed to get it and soon he was having a blast with the rest of us.

An hour or so later it was the couples turn to skate together.

I, sadly, sat down with the others and watched Oliver and Devin skate together.

"Can I have this skate?" Travis asked.

I smiled and joined him on the ice, hand in hand.

"Travis what are you doing..."

So sorry it took me forever!

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