The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 25

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Derek and I sat down near the front of the stage and waited for the play to start.

Moments later the lights dimmed and a young man took the stage.

*Finn's Point Of View*

I was working late at the office trying to win my clients case.

He was being charged for first degree murder of his roommate slash lover.

I heard his case and I went over it a million times, I know his not guilty but how do I prove it.

There has to be something that I'm missing.

I looked threw his file again then his roommates file.

"Hey," I looked up at Kate and smiled a little.


"Coffee?" she asked handing me a cup. "I know your working late,"

"Thanks," I said taking the cup.

"No problem, so, about us..."

"There is no us, Kate. I told you, we're over,"

"I know, but, the heart wants what the heart wants,"


"We'll talk, over dinner?"

"Maybe," I said looking back at my papers.

"So, did your guy do it?"

"No, I just need proof or a good bluff,"

"How are you going to get that?"

"By reading this over and over again,"

Kate sat with me as I read.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

The play was amazing. I didn't want to admit it but it was pretty good.

Lydia was great in it. She was born for the spot light.

Derek seemed really into it.

Every time Lydia took the stage he seemed to light up.

*Finn's Point Of View*

I found it!

I know how to prove my point!

I grinned and looked over at Kate.

"I'll be there for dinner if you can find someway to get Mark West to come to curt tomorrow,"

She grinned and picked up the phone and started to make phone calls.

Ten minutes later I was at Kate's house talking and joking around.

It was almost like we never broke up.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

Derek, Lydia and I were at the Little Café after the play.

Derek and Lydia were doing must of the talking. Joking around about the past and how great she was.

Derek seemed to remember some of the funny one liners from the play.

I sat there in silence and smiled and laughed when needed. After a while I realized that it didn't matter, they were too engrossed with each other to notice me.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and sighed.

My life was a mess right now.

Finn and his little girlfriend are all happy and shit and Derek and his ex are reconnecting in front of me.

I'm not sure which one I hate the most.

I screamed then quickly left the bathroom.

Derek and Lydia were holding hands and staring into each others eyes.

"I think it's time to go," I said with my hands on my hips. "Nice meeting you," I said walking away.

Derek ran after me. "Alex," he called.

I ignored him and got into the car.

He sat next to me and I looked away.

"It's not like that,"

"Drive," I said threw my teeth.

*Finn's Point Of View*

I pulled away from Kate and sighed. "I can't. we shouldn't,"

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, I don't love you,"

"I don't care,"

"Kate, I love some else,"

"Why is she so special?"

"You'll have to meet her,"

She rolled her eyes. "Can't I just be your friends with benefits?"


Kate got off of me. "Fine,"

"Thank you for understanding,"

"Whatever," she said getting dressed.

I dressed too and left.

*Alexandra's Point Of View*

Derek tried and tried all night to get me to talk to him but I refused.

He was being an ass worse he was pulling a Finn.

I got in bed and rolled over so my back was facing him.


"Go to bed!" I turned off the light and forgot about Derek.

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