The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 14

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I woke up cuddled next to Finn.

I pushed myself away from him and looked at the clock.

I smiled. I had enough time to run down to the gym.

I got out of bed and hurried to my gym bag.

I quickly pulled off my jeans and slipped on my shorts.

As I turned around to pick up my sports bra I looked at Finn.

He looked so cute when he's sleeping. I didn't just think that.

He started to wake up a little.

I quickly took off my shirt and bra.

(Finn's Point Of View)

I slowly opened my eyes.

Right in front of me was a half naked Alex.

She quickly took of her bra and pulled on her sports one.


"Where are you going?" I asked as she pulled on a tank top.

"The gym," I watched her pulled on her socks.

"Have fun," I muttered.

"I will," she said grabbing her room key and hurried out the door.

I sighed and took her pillow and covered my face with it.

It smelled like her.

I smiled and hugged the pillow.

How I wish I could hug Alex.

I hung out with Travis and Chris, to kill some time, before taking a shower.

I was buttoning my shirt when Alex walked in, he music blasting.

Her body was glistening with sweat.

Sexy, I thought as she slipped into the bathroom.

I ran my fingers threw my hair and put a little cologne on.

Alex came out of the bathroom with a towel on.

"Stop staring creeper,"

I chuckled as she grabbed her things and went back into the bathroom.

(Alex's Point Of View)

After an hour I was ready to go.

Finn and I left our room together and met the guys down stairs.

The hotel we were staying at had a bar and restaurant.

Tonight we were going to the bar to get trashed.

I had Hannah order me a drink so I could call Derek.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi, what are you up to?"



"I know, I should be leaving soon,"

"Whatever, I just want to call you before I get drunk,"

"It that time already?"'

"You're missing out,"

"Yeah, I should get back,"


"I love you,"

"I love you more,"


I laughed. "Bye,"

"Bye, love,"

We hung up and I joined the guys and picked up my shot.

I gulped it down and asked for another.


Around midnight or so, we headed back to our rooms.

Finn opened the door for us.

I didn't bother washing my face, I was too tired.

I slipped off my dress and pulled on one of Derek's old T shirts.

I took off my bra and threw it somewhere.

Finn was staring at my chest. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

"My eyes are here," I said lifting his head to meet my eyes.

I walked over to my stuff and looked for my toothbrush.

(Finn's Point Of View)

As Alex bent over to look for something I stared at her ass.

She was wearing a long white t shirt.

How does she expect me to control myself?

Plus I wasn't really sober right now.

I undid my shirt and pulled off my jeans.

Alex looked at me then did a double take.

She stared at my body in shock.

I must say, that over the years my body has gotten better.

"My eyes," I said walking over to her. "Are here," I lifted her head and smirked.

"Whatever," she said walking into the bathroom.

I joined her and brushed my teeth.

Once I was done I smacked her butt and I heard her muttered something.

I chuckled and walked into the living room.

(Alex's Point Of View)

Asshole, I thought once he left.

I decided to wash my face, after all.

I walked back into the bedroom area.

Finn was putting things away.

I lied down on the bed and Finn turned off the light and joined me.

"Night sexy," I said.

"Night asshole,"

I heard him chuckle and shift his position.

I felt his breath on the back on my neck and his warm body pressed against mine.

"You should nicer to me," he whispered in my ear.

I tensed. "And if I don't,"

"Then, things will get nasty,"

"Bring it," I said.

Finn pinched my butt and I gasped rolling over to face him.

I didn't realize how close we were together.

"Don't touch me,"

Finn poked my boobs and smiled.

I glared at him until I got an idea.

I brushed my lips against his and he gave in instantly.

I then pushed him off the bed and he grabbed my arm bringing me down with him.

I screamed a little and his laughed.

"Shit," I muttered. "You asshole. Suck a dick,"

"You can suck mine anytime, baby,"

I rolled my eyes.

Finn gripped my waist a little tighter and smiled.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

He brushed his lips against mine and smiled. "You messed with me now its my turn,"

Suddenly Finn's lips landed on mine.

I pulled away and got up.

"Have fun sleeping on the floor," I sad throwing him a pillow.

I got back in bed and tried to sleep.

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