The Senior Still Loves The Freshman Chapter 22

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"Derek! I need a hug!" I called to him asked I walked inside.

I kicked off my shoes and opened my arms for him to hug me.

"What's up, my lovely?" he asked as he embraced me.

I love his hugs.

"Nothing," I muttered into his chest.

Derek kissed my head and pulled me over to the sofa. He pulled me into his lap and turned on the T.V.

"What do you want to watch?" he asked.

"Any black and white movies on?" I asked.

"Let's check," he said.

And sure enough there were some on.

Derek and I snuggled together and watched the movie until it was over.

We took a shower and got ready for bed.

I was still pretty down about Finn.

"Are you sure your okay, babe?" Derek asked the millionth time.


"Okay," he sighed lying next to me.

"Sing to me?" I asked holding his hand.

"What song?"

"Any song,"

"Swing life away by Rise Against?"

"Sing away my handsome jukebox player,"

He chuckled and started to sing to me.

He sang song after song until I fell asleep.

*Derek's Point Of View*

I tucked Alex in and picked up my cell phone.

I saw it blink from the corner of my eye.

I picked it up and opened it.

'I'll see you in two days!' Lydia texted.

I smiled and texted her back.

'Can't wait! Good night'

I closed my phone and moved closer to my wife to be.


I woke up and Alex wasn't there.

The front door opened and I hurried down stairs.

"Babe?" I called.

"In here," I heard her call out of breath.

"Where were you?"

"Out, I went for a jog,"

"What's got you so upset?"



She gave me a light kiss before running into our room.

I rolled my eyes at her and made us some breakfast.

Alex came down stairs dressed and ready. I dished her plate and got dressed myself.

"Babe," she said as she washed up. "Can you clean the house for me? I'm coming home a little late. I have tons of meetings after work,"


"Yeah," she grinned.

We kissed each other then pulled way. "I'll be sure to clean and set up a nice little romantic dinner for us,"

She smiled. "Thanks a million honey buns. I got to jet, see you around seven?"

"It's a date" I called after her.

I finished up the kitchen and left for work.

*Finn's Point Of View*

As I got ready for work I went through the papers in my desk.

Where is it? I thought.

"Babe, let's go," Kate whined, again.

"I'm coming, honey," I shouted down to her.

She sighed and I ran my hand through my hair.

Where was it!

I saw the light pink paper and smiled. Bingo!

I opened it and saw Alex's hand writing.

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They are amazing!

Thanks you guys! <3!

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