24/7 With You // L.HS

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-Y/N's POV-

"Hey, Y/N! Wanna hang out? If you're free ofcourse" Kiko, a friend of mine, asked through the phone

"Sure..? Yeah im free, anyways"

"Great! See you!"
"Wait i dont know where and what ti-" Before i could even finish my sentence, Kiko hung up from the call

'Annndddd she hung up' I threw my phone on the couch, annoyed

A few moments later, my phone rung yet again, as the caller ID showed

I answered

"Yeah forgot to tell ya.. at our usual place, 3:00 pm" she stated, making me let out a sigh of relief

"Thought you'd never tell me" I shook my head


It was 2:38 pm, as realization hit me


I hurriedly went to my bag, to which was placed near my bed

Opening it, i brought out my textsbook and opened a specific page

"Why does the homework ms. Lee had assigned to us only went back to my mind when i'm supposed to hang out with Kiko?!"

As i didn't want my grades to drop at any amount, i answered the assigned homework, completely forgetting about  Kiko


"Done!" I clapped happily, staring at the finished paper work

I looked at the time, seeing that it was past 4:00

'OH SHIT!' I slammed the table, standing up and ran outside


I opened my front door, panting

Looking to my side, i saw Kiko with her arms crissed, and tapping her foot on the ground

She looked real pissed tho..

"Kiko!" I yelled, catching her attention

"Took you long enough" She said, sarcasm was evident in her tone of voice

"Hehe sorry" "you better be" I chuckled


We were now walking at the park, as an ice cream truck passed by and stopped near a bench

"Hey, wanna buy icecream?" She nodded as response

"Ok, i'll pay" she let out a small "hm", indicating to go

I walked away, and went my way towards the truck

"Two vannila flavoured icecream please" The cashier nodded as i stood there, waiting

A few moments passed, and the icecream was done

I payed, and walked away

As i happily ate my icecream while walking, i heard kiko say, "Watch out!" I tilted my head, confused

I diverted my eyes to the side, only to see a car, who seems to have it's brakes, not working

I frozed, minute later, Kiko ran towards me, a bit too late, as the car had already hit my body


I woke up in a white room, wires and computer-like monitors were seen around me

I sat up, confused on what was happening

'what the actual frick is happening?' I thought

Just then, an old lady walked in

Well, i wouldn't say "walked" in, it seemed like she flew in

"Y/N dear, please follow me" My eyes furrowed

She sighed

"It looks like you really dont remember, Y/N you died.." "Wait.. what..?" My whole body frozed, as my memories flooded my mind

Tears went down my eyes, as the reality hit me

"Can i.. can i just spend my time here for just.. for just a f-few more m-months?" She sighed once again before nodding

"Thank you.."


I flew to a specific place, to which was not too far from the hospital

I flew through the door, before stepping in, as a nostalgic feeling rush through me

Pictures of me and my family, Kiko and her parents were hung up on the wall

'Now that i think about it, i realized i cant hang out with Kiko anymore.. huh.. so much for being a ghost' I thought

I left the place, after roaming around my house

As a forest-like place was just around the corner of my house, i flew towards it


In the middle of the unfamiliar location, there was a mansion-like building.

I again, flew towards it, passing the door

Inside was a beautiful room, designed  modernately

"That's too flame on, Sunghoon!" I heard a voice, which sounded like a male one

It was followed by laughs, making me curious

I flew towards it, before letting out a smile, seeing five boys dancing

I gotta admit, they were good but one caught my eye. He was extremely talented to me. Those pearly white teeth to which, had got me attached to him, had left me staring at him in awe

I left the room, before roaming around the building, may or may not have broke a thing or two


2 months flew by, as i found out that the boys i saw dancing were applicants from the survival show, I-LAND by watching the show over looking at some stranger's shoulder

call me weird or crazy, idc

I also found out that the boy who i got attached to was named, Heeseung

As i started searching more about them, i had grown a connection towards these boys.

Ofcourse i was sad on more than a half of them were disqualified, i was still more than happy for the debut team

Today, the day where the boys, Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Niki will be debuting, i had planned to watch them

I was currently standing infront of the stage, as the crowd was heard cheering loudly, when the seven boys walking on stage

Performing, a white light was seen beside me, making me divert my eyes from the performance, to it

"Its time, Y/N" I looked down, as sadness filled me


'Before i leave, even tho we aren't together today, let's meet again, cuz u'll forever be 24/7 with you'

I smiled, before going through the door

'Goodbye.. Enhypen'

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