New idol? New life // K.S

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-Y/N's POV-

It was around 2 pm when i was watering the plants at my rooftop. As my parents run a kpop company called Bighit entertainment, it's no surprise i live alone most of the times since my parents are practically away during every season. It's not that im complaining tho.. i like living alone as it feels like i have freedom.

My brother, Yoongi, is also a well known artist at my mom and dad's conpany so i never felt happy of having a brother. Like imagine.. having a brother that doesn't have time because of the busy schedules.

I sighed, feeling a little burdened at the fact that i have nothing to do, i already did the dishes, cook me some food, water the plants, clean the house, etc.. i've done so many things yet i still feel bored.

I scrolled through my phone and found an article..  'Bighit's new survival show, I-land is making a start next week..' how come i never knew about this? I just shrugged and sighed once again.

I grabbed my coat and some warm jeans as it was cold outside. I decided to take a walk around the block and maybe grab a snack? Heh..

When i was sitting on the bench, it started raining. 'Gosh darn it! Why at this time!? I dont even have an umbrella! Ugh' i internally whined and just went home, soaked

I was walking home when i suddenly felt the rain stop pouring

I looked up and saw a guy holding an umbrella on top of my head.

"What's a girl doing here when the rain is pouring like a cement being poured down on the ground?" He raised an eyebrow

"I don't have an umbrella. I was suppose to take a stroll around the block when it started raining. Me being my dumb self, forgot to bring an umbrella" I rolled my eyes, annoyed

"Hmm.. you look familiar? Are you perhaps, BangPD-nim's daughter?" He asked
"PD-nim?" I raised an eyebrow
"I'm a trainee there."
"Oh.. are you a contestant at the new survival show, I-land? And yes, i am the daughter of your boss"
"Nice to meet you i'm Sunoo! And i dont think i can make to iland" He pouted
"Hey that's alright.. btw im Y/N. Min Y/N" i comforted him and introduced myself
"Hey Y/N! If i do make, hope you'd support me" He smiled
"Ofcourse i would! Anyways, could we.. exchange numbers so you know.."  i asked shyly
"Duhh" He laughed
Well that was fun.. meeting Sunoo isn't that bad.. besides, i made a new friend! Well technically made A friend. Since i dont have friends :')

I smiled to myself and took a shower then went to bed.


It's been a few months since me and Sunoo has been hanging out. And when he was announced to be in the debut line. I shrieked in happiness

I started gaining feelings for him and it grew more and more each day, hour, minute, and seconds.

I was gonna go to the company as my dad said so. I wore a formal clothing so i would fit in (bruh.. this is so me! When im going to mah mothahs office, i literally needed to- ok enough. That's a story for another time =>=).

When i arrived, there were several people, which i suppose were sasaengs or fans. I went in to see a Sunoo walking towards a door to which i guess was the meeting room?

Coincidentally, it was the room where my father told me to come. So i went inside the room and saw the enhypen members, BTS members, TXT members, and GFRIEND members (im not a fan of GFRIEND so i only know  a few members. Umji.. Sinb?.. Sowon.. Yerin.. and.. Eunha.. hrm.. Yu-.. yuju? Wait.. aren't there 6 members? Eh)
I was confused but sat down on a vacant seat next to my mother

"Ok so you must be wondering why i all called you hear.. well the reason is.. I-land season 2 will be coming up next month. So i want to introduce you my daughter, Y/N. She is a great dancer and can also dance. I want you all to watch her and give feedback" I widened my eyes when my father said that. I mean- i can dance.. and sing.. but he could've atleast told me

I saw Sunoo smile brightly as i looked down

They led me through their main studio and Sowon unnie said,
"Show us what you got" she gave me a thumbs up and i smiled

I started singing and dancing pretty savage by BLACKPINK. I focused on my vocals and let my body dance


I was catching breath after finishing the dance.
"Hmm.. i really like your voice.. and the fact you can sing with such a stable voice while dancing a song with a lot of torso and stomach movements is really impressive.." Yeonjun, the oldest in TXT, complimented as Namjoon and Yoongi oppa nodded

I bowed

"Well.. you can dance really well but i was looking for the facial expression.. you were dancing with a stagnant and expression-less face throughout the whole dance. I want you to practice it" Jungkook said as i nodded in understandment
"But overall, you are quite good!" I bowed once again
I was talking with Sunoo in the balcony when he suddenly asked

"Do you like someone? Like more than
friends?" I nearly choked on my own saliva
"N-no.. wait.. i guess? I am starting to like someone (Sorry Sunoo hut i had to lie. I'd he joking if i said i didn't fall for you. Like literally)" He just nodded
"What do you think of me?" He again, asked. This time, i choked for real.
"Umm.. i think you're really nice and supportive, a great friend to have" I smiled but Sunoo's dropped
"what's wrong, Sunoo?"
"Nothing.. wanna know who i like?" I nodded my head
"Yes please" I replied
"Gold without an A" He answere simply
"A WHAT NOW!!!??!?" I snapped my head to his direction to see him laughing his ass off

I scoffed
'What's a gold without an a!? Sjsehbwhewj this is driving me insane.. wait.. in the periodic table, gold is AU.. AU without an a is.. U.. me? He likes me!? JENWHWUDNEBS' I widened my eyes and sighed
I asked Sunoo if he was free and he said he was. So i asked if we could meet and again, he said yes =>=

Now here i am, waiting for him to show up. And there he was looking as fine as ever..

"Hey Y/N!" I heard him say
"Hey.. umm about that riddle.."
"You solved it?" He smiled
He chuckled
"Soo.. like me back?" He asked
I hit his chest making him groan a bit
"WHY ARE YOU SO STRAIGHTFORWARD!?" I yelled making him giggle
"I.. i like you too.."

The end 🖤

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