Two heads Are Better Than One // L.HS

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You were outside the mall when a drunk man came walking towards you. As the smell of beer ran up to your nose, you scrunched your face whilst covering your nose.
"Excuse me sir, but can you please move?" Y/N questioned, not bearing the smell of alcohol
"Feisty, i see.." The girl widened her eyes, the thought of running struck her mind.
She was about to run when she felt a large hand came in contact with hers.
"P-please let go.." Tears threatening to fall, she tried pulling her wrist away from the old man but it was no use. Y/N was about to scream for help, when a boy ran towards the scene, throwing hands at the unknown man
"H-heeseung!!" The female's eyes widened, attempting to stop her boyfriend from beating the shit out of the drunk man.
"STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY. GIRLFRIEND. YOU PUNK!" Heeseung stood up, before glaring at the guy. Looking towards his girlfriend, his eyes soften at the sight of Y/N shivering from fear.
"Are you alright?" Heeseung questioned, concern was evident in his tone of voice. "I'm fine. Don't worry" The girl smiled weakly, making her boyfriend even more worried.
He gently carried her, bridal style to his car, placing Y/N gently on the backseat.


The drive was silent, as Y/N was already asleep whilst Heeseung was too focused on the road to even let out a sigh.

Once they arrived at their shared apartment, The boy carried her girlfriend towards their bedroom, then to their bed. Gently letting her body touch the soft matress, he smiled softly.

He stared at Y/N's sleeping figure before furrowing his eyebrows, noticing a red hand mark on his girlfriend wrist.

Heeseung grabbed it gently, not wanting to wake Y/N up. His eyes widened, seeing a bruise like mark

"Y/N.. Y/N wake up.." Tapping her body lightly, her eyes fluttered open, making her look towards the boy

"Why didn't you tell me?" One of her eyebrows raised, confusion filled her eyes.

Heeseung sighed

"Why.. why didn't told me about your wrist? The mark?" Y/N looked down

"I'm sorry.. its just that..-"
"Tell me, i'll always listen"

"I dont want to be such a burden.. always crying like a baby, asking for help, i dont even know how to defend myself on my own.." "Yah.. its fine! You dont cry like a baby nor even act like one. Its ok to ask for help, two heads are better than one, right?"

She nodded, smiling softly

"Two head are better than one" The two said in unison, smiling eye to eye


Im so sorry for not uploading as often as the time i started this book. I was too focused on school, kpop, my youtube channel and other personal stuff.

Please know that i wont be publishing as often cuz.. you know =>=

Oh and btw, we reached 100 votes! Thank you so much! 🥺

Stan bighit. Crackhead culture is there :))

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