An idol's love // Y.JW

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-Y/N's POV-

Me and the girls had an upcoming comeback, yet it was delayed because of one person.. me

In the kpop industry, everyone knows that dating is something idols rarely do.

Im no different..

Well.. i guess thats what i thought..

You see,, ENHYPEN & CECILIA are one of the most popular groups in the industry. So its no surprise that the two groups are close. Me, as a CECILIA member, thinks otherwise.

One of the members of ENHYPEN, Jungwon, is someone i practically hated. I mean, who wouldn't hate someone who loves teasing and annoy you?

And because of that, i would always distance myself from the other group.
I also didn't want to have rumours spreading all around the internet about us dating. Making sure it wouldn't ruin both the group's career

Today, me and the girls have been set up to go to the HYBE building for a quick meeting.

After getting ready,we all headed outside and went straight to the car


We were now infront of the building before making our way inside.

Greeting the staffs, aswell as the idols we encounter, we arrived at the meeting room where PD-nim told us to come

We bowed after coming inside

He nust nodded


It's been 15 minutes since we arrived, yet no one has spoke.

After a few moments, a group of boys with masks went in, panting

"We're sorry we're late" a familiar voice

I furrowed my eyebrows, moments later, now widened

Ju.. Jungwon!?

They sat down on the other side of the long meeting table

"Ok, you may be wondering why you're all here, well.. after the incident happened, both ENHYPEN & CECILIA's comebacks were delayed.."

We nodded

"Jungwon? Y/N? You both were in it.. so what happened?" Jungwon and i were speechless. Nervousness rushed through my body

Heaving a big sigh, Jungwon spoke

"We.. we never got along since the first day. Never knew why, we just didn't like eachother's presence. After we found out we were having a comeback together, both of us didn't accept it. The other members forced us to accept but.. it just turned into an arguement. Whilst  me and Y/N started arguing, i threatened her accidentally saying, "punch me! ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANT!? OR ARE YOU JUST A COWARD WHO'S TOO EMBARRASED TO-" i cut him off by saying,

"I didn't punch him.. i choked him.. completely forgetting we were on live"

PD-nim sighed

"You should have just informed me.. meeting dismissed" We went out


Jungwon and i tried to get along the past few days. Guess what? It worked.

Today was a typical tuesday when Jungwon called me to meet up

I was confused

'Why is he suddenly calling me? What if fans.. what if fans suspect us..?' I sighed, grabbing my stuff before going to the park


When i got there, Jungwon, who was playing with the other kids, was laughing happily

I smiled at them in awe

Once i caught Jungwon's attention, he skipped to me

"Why'd you suddenly asked me to meet up?" He lightly nudged my arm

"Why are you so straightforward!? It's not like we still dont get along!" I chuckled

"Want ice cream? My treat!" He offered to which i accepted

He walked over to the ice cream truck and started ordering. I looked around, i caught a camera in a nearby bush. I widened my eyes

I ran there and pulled what i felt like was a camera.

I opened it to see a video of both of us laughing earlier

I huffed

I lightly threw the camera on the grass, hearing a gasp from the bush

I smirked before stepping on it as hard as i can

Removing my feet, i saw the once brand new camera, broken on the grass

I smiled and walked away

-No one's POV-

Jungwon who saw everything chuckled

Handing the girl her ice cream, she happily giggled

After eating it, Jungwon asked her if he could blindfold her which she replied with a nod

Applying it, he took her to a somewhat private place

Once he removed it, Y/N's eyes widdened

Turning around, she saw Jungwon, knelt to the ground with a red box in his hands.

Inside was a beautiful necklace with an infinity sign on it

"Jung Y/N.. would you care to return the feeling of the person infront of you, making him the happiest boy to ever exist in this judgeful world?"

𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now