Life Goes On // P.J

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"Mom? Please dont leave me.." Y/N thought as she stared at her mom's pale, lifeless figure

Crying, she slid her back to her mom's room in the hospital, letting her fall on the cold hard floor

"Excuse me miss.. but visiting hours are over. Please leave" Standing up, she started walking away. Her puffy, red eyes made it obvious she was crying her eyes out


Arriving home, the once lively home, was now a dead silent place

Her mom was her home, without her here, she didn't know what her home will be


The next morning, she woke up, findind herself in the living room

Groaning, she went to the bathroom and quickly took a bath, not wanting to be late


Once done, she headed to school, just in time before the bell rung

"So class, tomorrow, there will be a contest. Whoever will win it, they will get a chance to perform, or even get into the kpop industry" Y/N rolled her eyes

The school she went to was filthy rich to which she hated

Now that she wanted to participate, she rose a hand

"Oh? Y/N.. would you like to participate?" Nodding, she answered

"Pfftt! Her? LMAO why would she participate when she doesn't even talk here? Hey peasant, let the professionals handle this, got it?" Rolling her eyes, she stood up, completely ignoring her statement

"I would like to sing" Everyone widened their eyes as it was her first time talking without anyone forcing her to

"Go ahead"


Once she was done singing, she looked over to her side to find her Bestfriend smiling

"Well done, Y/N! Hope to see you in the kpop industry" She smiled sweetly making me look at her, nodding


When they announced that she will be participating, she just couldn't hide how happy she was. Smiling, she started skipping her way home

Once she inserted her earphones, she bopped ber head, swaying to the rhythm

What she didn't know was.. there was a car, which it's brake, was not working, making it hit her, dead


"And that's how.. i.. i lost my bestfriend" Jay, whom was on tour, lowered his head

"ITS OK!" Fans, better known as Engenes, screamed, making the latter smile

'I just wish i could've helped you.. i wish i could've saved you.. and tell you.. how i feel for you..' He sighed, nodding in acceptance of reality

Let life go on, and let the past be the past

𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now