Euphoria // Y.JW

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-Jungwon POV-

I was at the front of the school's gate, when i caught a specific girl staring at me

"Yah, who are you looking at?" Jay hyung asked.

"oh? Its noone" i replied.

"You aint lying to me, are you?" He questioned, a bit suspicious.

"What? Noo! Totally not! Ehahaha nope not at all!" I scratched the back of my neck, as sweat started to form on my forehead

"S u r e.." The elder rolled his eyes, looking away from the younger

"It really is noone!" Jungwon protested, only for Jay to raise an eyebrow

"You know im not buyin that" The latter sighed


-Y/N's POV-

I was sitting against a tree near our school gate with Sowon, when my eyes wandered around the said gate.

My sight landed on a certain boy. Not knowing I qhad been staring, well- not until we met eyes.

Quickly looking away, I flushed. I diverted my eyes towards the ground, not going unnoticed by the other.

"Hey, you good? Your redness wont go unnoticed y'know" I frozed, hearing her words.

Going silent, I simply ignored the continuous bloodrush within me, not thinking on how I was seen by the others.


As a faint beep was heard across the schoolyard, it seemed to catch my attention

The person behind the sudden noise was no other than, Jungkook, my older brother.

Lipsyncing, I managed to understand it. Standing up, I

(Warning: Unedited part is coming, pls stop reading to understand the story fully.)

"Come on jay, dont be so harsh on the kid.." kid.. KID!? DID HE JUST CALL HIM A KID!? LOOOOLLLL

Who let him eat so much sugar?


I saw jungwon nodding while looking at Jay weirdly

"Umm Y/N? What are yo looking at?"

Sowon asked

"O-Oh what?"

She followed my gaze and it eventually led to me staring at Jungwon

"OMO! YOU LIKE HIM!?" she yelled a bit
"pffftt what? No i dont" or do i?
"Oh yes you do! Just by the way you stare at him!"
"Oh shut up, lizard head" i said, walking away
"YAH!" she ran up to me

A car horn was heard and we immediately looked that way and saw my brother, Jungkook


I rolled my eyed and went to him

"well.. i thought since school is over, we can go to an amusement park" he said

My eyes sparkled at the thought of us going to an amusement park as my brother chuckled


Oh right! I haven't introduced myself yet..

Hello, i'm Jeon Y/N. 17 years old.
You can say that my family is rich, not perfect
My mom passed away when i was 7 years old only
Ever since her death, my dad was no longer his old self
He would always drink and would always come home drunk
He would literally hit us with a bottle of soju if we dont buy him more
We eventually got tired of it and moved out
we got some money from our dad's account
but we also knew that wouldn't be enough so me and Jungkook started looking for a job that would pay their employees well and fortunately, my brother was scouted by a kpop company called bighit and eventually became the world's most popular boy band
When we walked in the amusement park, girls started screaming and fangirling

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