Psycho Love // P.SH [Part 2]

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So before i start, i just want to say that, i have completely forgot about this oneshot, not until this comment appeared in my notifs

Anyways, thanks for this request ^^


•Two months Later•

After the incident with me and Sunghoon, things have finally come back to normal

I walked in the kitchen, finding Sunghoon cooking something

"Hey, hoonie!" I greeted. He turned around still holding the spatula he used

"Good Morning, Y/N!" He replied.

He turned off the stove, before placing the dish he cooked on a plate

Putting it on the table, I stared in horror

'W-what.. Eye.. eyeballs!?' I looked at Sunghoon, only for me to see him looking at me deadeye

"Sunghoon.. Sunghoon, what the hell is this!?" "Oh? Its just the precious eyeball of your.. dear bestfriend"

I frozed, as to think he actually killed her..

"You're a monster.." I stood up, ready to run away, before feeling a pair of hands grab my waist, preventing me to do so

He pulled me towards our basement, then tying me to a chair

Opening the lights in a deam part of the room, it revealed her


R-Ryujin!!" I yelled, only for Sunghoon to chuckle

"She cant hear you, she's already dead" He glared.

"You're a psychopath"

"Indeed i am.. for you"

Eheh, i couldnt think of a plot, so sorry about this shitpost

I've already got two comments for part 2, and im sorry if this was not to your liking 🙁

Have a good day/night!

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