My Valentine's (Park Sunghoon)

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I was here sitting on my desk, sketching

It was currently 8:15, our class doesn't start till 8:30 so i decided to kill time by sketching


Class was about to start so i kept my sketching tools in my bag and brought out my textbooks

And as soon as i brought it out, mr. Park went in

"Hello class.."


Hello, i'm Lee Y/n. 19 yrs old

I wasn't the type to go to parties, socialize, and such, as i was an introvert

I was also called as the 'Ice Princess' because of my dark aura

But what they didn't know was, i was called as the 'Princess of the sun' which was because i would also help the once in need whether it was in school or our block

But i suddenly change ever since my bestfriend, Eumi, commit suicide because of her bullies

The reason i didn't know that was because she never told me about it


The class ended a while ago as everyone left to go to the cafeteria but i was here, finishing my sketch when suddenly, i felt a cold wet liquid spilling from the top of my head, ruining the canvas i was making

"HAHAHA you're so pathetic, you know?"

Ella.. Jung Freaking Ella

"You should look at the mirror saying that to correct what you said just now" i said, standing up, facing her

"Why you little-" she was about to slap me but i was fast enough to hold her hand slap her myself

"I ain't no bitch, dude"i said

She just scoffed and walked away

"lol it's fun embarassing her.." i commented as i cleaned my desk and headed out of the classroom


I was peacefully walking in the hallway when someone called my name

"Yah, Y/N"

What now?


" you really thought it was over huh?" Ella said while smirking

But i just laughed

"What's so funny?"

"You- You look like a clown while smirking! HAHAHAHA" i continued laughing

"Stop it! Dont you know who i-"

"Yes i know who you are.." she smirked when i said that

"You're a wannabe. You act like you're a queen at school when no one at home treats you like human" her smirk slowly faded away word by word

With that, i went to my locker while hearing everyone snort at Ella

I opened my locker and saw 100 roses in it, including a note

'Hello Y/N,

This may sound weird but.. i've always liked you since the day you transferred to my school.. i loved the dark aura you brought.. it made you so unique

As you can see, there's 100 roses in your locker. As days passes by, it will become lesser and lesser until it becomes a single rose. That's the day you'll meet me..

𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now