Inside out // P.J

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It's been a while since i started getting hate comments after being announced that me and Jay were dating
'Am i really that ugly? Am i worthless? Is that why they hate me?' I thought as i looked in the mirror
I sighed and laid back down on the bed
'I guess i really am ugly..'
I suddenly heard the door on our shared bedroom open revealing Jay
"Hey.. are you good?" He asked as i just nodded
"It looks like you aren't.. if your ok with it, you can tell me" He warmly smiled
I smiled back weakly
"Im fine, Jay.. you dont need to worry"
"Alright.." he left the room with a little sigh and closed the door shut
'I need to work out more.. i shouldn't just lay down on the bed eating junk foods all day' And that's where it started
I started working out more and starve myself
If i do get hungry, i would just drink water
I didn't care if it wouldn't fill me up, i just want to lose as much wait as i can


"Yerin? Im home!" I heard my boyfriend yell
I didn't answer as i was in the bedroom
"Yerin?" He went to our bedroom and saw me lying there, looking pale as ever
"Look, i bought you your favorite snack!"
"No thanks" i replied
"What's wrong with you!? You never eat! Yerin.. im worried" he softened his look and went towards our bed and hugged me
But he felt something hard and removed the blanket, seeing my bones
"WTF!?" He looked angry.. like really REALLY angry
"So that's why you never eat.. YOU WERE STARVING YOURSELF!" He yelled making me flinch
"Why.. why were you.."
"Do you wanna know why?
Read this.." i throwed him my phone and he red all the hate comments i've been receiving
"You know.. they're called sasaengs for a reason, Yerin.. you dont need to change yourself to please them. Cause they'll never stop, dont let them affect you.. cause you're beautiful inside out"
"Your just saying that out of pity" i said
"Yerin.. look at me"
I couldn't look at him.. i couldn't because i was already crying
"Look at me" he repeted
I looked at him with my puffy eyes
"Yerin, you're beautiful.. say that to yourself cause you're still blooming.
And when you bloom, you're a flower that will always stand tall and never back down, promise me that, ok?"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

I didn't write this to motivate you all to starve and judge yourself
I wrote this because i want to let you guys know that your flaws are beautiful and always be proud of that

𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now