The Truth Untold // L.HS

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Summary: Where in Heeseung has always believed that love was just two people being thirsty. He was a loner type of boy, never stood out in the crowd. Y/N was a poor girl who never got praised by anyone. Didn't have parents as her mother died, giving birth to her and her father passed away from being an alcoholic.

-Heeseung's POV-

I was here, sitting on a bench in my garden filled with flowers.

So apparently, my parents despised for being 'Ugly' and 'cold'. They kicked me out of the palace as i was the king and queen's son. Everyone despised me.. i ran away and eventually found this abandoned garden and made it my own.

I made different flowers of their own kind to which made feel happy and warm. Flowers always gave me happiness whenever i was down or insecure.


It was pass midnight when a figure jumped over the wall, picking some fliwers and left.

I was furious.

-No one's POV-

Everynight went like this and Heeseung didn't like it. He didn't like the girl stealing his beautiful flowers. He decided to wear a mask and followed the girl.

He found out that the girl was quite poor and was selling those flowers for her finances.

He felt guilty.

He went back to his garden and started planting more flowers and made sure that it was at it's best state.

And as he expected, the girl once again stole some of the flowers and ran off. He smiled. It was his first time smiling like that. No more fake smiles.

As time passed by, he started catching some feelings for the girl.

He knew he couldn't confess as he was a visual hole (said no one.. 😒).

The only thing he could do was make a flower that never existed in this world.

The Smeraldo flower..

After a few fails, he finally made the flower and was very proud by it.

He waited till midnight but there was no sign of the young female.

He waited once again.. but there was no one..

It soon hit him that she was gone. Hearing it from one of the people near her small, wooden house.

He was devastated.

He decided to break out of his shell and make a book out of his experience.

Years upon years, tears within tears, Heartshattered into pieces.

He grew old and was still broken
He may grew famous but inside..

He was still broken as the truth was never told

Yeah cliché, i know (>_<)

Hope y'all like it!


𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now