Illusion // P.J

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-3rd Person's POV-

You were sitting on your chair next to your desk, frustrated

You've been trying to get rid of your writer's block to which have lasted for weeks.

"Why can't i just write!?" You thought

Just then, a knock was heard behind your door. You stood up and opened it to which it revealed your bestfriend

-Y/N's POV-

"Hey.. ya good?" He said in his natural english accent
"Dont worry much, Jay.." I smiled weakly as he frowned
"You dont look like i dont need to worry" He said

You sighed and let him in

"So how's your life as an ido-" He cut me off
"Don't change the topic" he sternly, yet softly said

I sighed once again and replied

"I.. i seem to be experiencing a writer's block" I shook my head in irritation to which he replied with a chuckle

"What's so funny?" I tilted my head

"You should've rest so it wont last long"
"What do you mean?" I asked again
"You know.. you experience a writer's block since you've been writing 24/7" I looked at him blankly
"Maybe.. just maybe.. you should take a rest as your brain must be burned out from all the writing. Besides, i bet your fans will understand you" Jay smiled

"By the way.. how are you and the boys? Since when did you arrive here? Aren't you suppose to be at korea? What have your fans bee-" I was again, cut off by him"

"Chill.. 1. We're all fine. In fact, all of us has been better than ever. 2. We have a world tour and America was our first stop. 3. Again, we have a world tour and lastly, please dont mention the fans.." He basically rapped it all

"Why not?"

"Well.. at the airport this morning, Some fans attacked all of us. It was full chaos" He sighed as i gasped

"Wow.. i've been so caught up on writing that i haven't been active in social activities since weeks!" I widened my eyes, mouth fully opened

He laughed. His laugh is so.. beautiful

"Umm.. earth to Y/N? Hello?" He waved his hands infront of me
"You zoned out for a sec there.."
"Oh sorry.." I apologized
"No nee-"
"Oppa?" I heard a girl knock on my door
"Oh? Yuki-ah! What are you doing here?" He asked the brunette girl
"You took so long so i followed you.. what are you doing here with this.. slut..?" I glared at her
"Yuki.. you cant be so mean to h-" i cut him off
"Get out. Both of you.. get out! You know when my mood drops, i'll be like this, yet you did nothing but say ' you cant be so mean to her '!? GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT!!"I yelled angrily. As i have a short-temper, it's no surprise i'd be like this

"Y/N.. i'm sorr-" Jay was about to apologize when i again, cut him off
"Are you deaf or what? Get. Out. Now!" I glared
"Y/N LISTEN TO ME! SHE'S JUST A FAN, OK!? A FAN I MET AT THE AIRPORT!! She.. she helped me get out of there with the others.." I scoffed
"She helped you because she wants to use you for fame,Jay! Admit it or not, that's society!" I yelled
"Y/N.. i like you.. please dont do this.." He cried. I frozed at my place but still managed to reply
"If you like me, give me some space. You know? I actually had feeling for you. But i guess it's just another illusion of mine. It just blew away like wind" I opened the door, waiting for him for him to get out

He sighed and just followed my actions

A illusion is nothing but a wind. It will blow away like it.

𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now