Flowers Like You // L.HS

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"YOU DUMBASS!! GIVE ME MY PHONE!!" I looked at my two bestfriends who was arguing with a bored expression
"OH MAH GAD! CAN Y'ALL SHUT THE F*CK UP FOR ONCE!?" I yelled with an irritated voice
"He started it!/She started it!" They both said in unison
I sighed and left them there


I was sitting on a bench in the school's garden when i saw a boy sitting on the bench infront of then one i was sitting on
I got curious as i never saw him in the school before so i called out
"Hey! You new here?" I asked
He nodded
He really was mysterious. He was wearing a facemask and glasses as if he was hiding his identity to which i guess he is
"If i may ask, why are you wearing those?" I questioned once again

And he just stared at me without saying anything

"Ok? If you don't wanna talk, then i won't force you. It's alright" I smiled and minded my own business again

I still could feel his hard stare but i decided to shrug it off and looked around. I spotted a small part of the garden where it was full of flowers.

I've always loved flowers as it was something my dad would always give me before he passed away

I stood up and went to that side of the garden and a small smile crept on my lips


Our last lesson before lunch time was about to start so i brought out my textbooks
And as soon as i brought it out, Mr. Jeon went in with the boy i saw in the garden earlier

"Good afternoon, students. As you can see, there's a new student joining us from now on" He smiled and signalled that boy to introduce himself

"Annyeonghaseyo.. my name's Heeseung. 19 yrs old (Pretend his 19 pls ("^_^) )" he spoke in a voice above whisper

"Hmmm.. Let's see.. oh! Please sit next to Lucy. Ms. Kang, please raise your hand"

I raised my hands as told and that Heeseung boy walked over to the vacant sit beside mine and sat down

He was still wearing that black mask and glasses which really got me eager to know him more


It was finally time to eat! FOOD!
I spotted the two dorks who was arguing earlier and sat with them as i was already in the canteen

"Sup, noona" Sunghoon said
I rolled my eyes and took out lunch box
"Hey! Don't ignore us!" Alicia, who yelled earlier, yelled again
"Did i say i was ignoring you? No right? Then shut the fuck up before my ears go numb" i glared
"Heh sorry" She stuck her tounge at me as i rolled my eyes

I then spotted Heeseung looking around, trying to find somewhere to sit. I waved my hands and luckily he saw it and just sighed before walking towards our table
"Wanna sit with us?" I asked
"Sure" he said in a low voice
He sat down while raising his mask a lil bit so he can chew easily

This boy isn't really giving up with the covering face thing huh?


Me and Heeseung were both done eating while those two already went to their class

Heeseung stood up and was about to leave when i called him
"Hey! Can we um.. maybe.. be friends?" I fiddled with my fingers as i heard him laugh
"Why so nervous? Ofcourse!" He smiled through the mask
"Really? I thought you wouldn't agree" i pouted
"What makes you think that?" He tilted his head
"Well.. the way you look at me and sigh is um.." I scratched the back of my neck
"Oh that.. it's just that i'm not really good in groups. I prefer talking with one person only" He explained as i nodded

Few months later..

Me and Heeseung has been hanging out more often and i gotta say, he's really loud and fun which made me catch feelings for him. It's not like he'll like me back, right?

I got a text from heeseung, saying to meet him tonight at the school's garden.
Don't know how he got the key tho..


I arrived at the school's garden and saw fairylights gathered around the side where there were flowers

I walked over to that part and picked a daisy

"You really like flowers huh?" I heard a voice to which i immediately knew it was Heeseung

I turned around and saw him holding a rose

"Lucy, you always made me feel welcomed and made me feel proud of who i am without even showing you my face. And tonight, i want to say that..

Lee heeseung likes you, Kang Lucy"
He took off his mask and glasses and smiled

I was literally crying and hugged him

"I like you too"

He pulled away from the hug

"Your like a flower and..

Flowers like you"




𝔼𝕟𝕙𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 // 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘Where stories live. Discover now